Statistical processing
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Business Dynamics, Business StatisticsEmil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
+45 24 67 85 25
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Temporary Employment Agencies and Other Human Provision Services
Data are collected by online questionnaire from a total count of enterprises in the sector Temporary Employment Agencies and Other Human Provision Services. In the questionnaire the enterprises are asked to breakdown their turnover by a number of products, services and client categories. It also reported information about export. The reported data are checked by comparing the distribution of turnover among enterprises that are similar. Survey data is grossed up in part by including information turnover from the Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector in the reference year for the entire population.
Source data
All enterprises that has at least 20 employees ultimo november in the reference year, and is registered with the Temporary employment agencies and other human provision services industry as described under sector coverage, is drawn from the business statistical register.
Frequency of data collection
Data are collected annually.
Data collection
Data is collected by online questionnaires. In the questionnaire, the enterprises are asked to distribute their turnover and export in DK 1,000 by a number of products, services and client categories, as described in the section Statistical concepts and definitions.
Data validation
The submitted data is checked for errors, ex. data of the individual reporter are compared with prior periods and similar enterprises reporting in the current period. If the data are significantly different than expected, the enterprise will be contacted.
Data compilation
The data from the questionnaires received is grossed up to the provisional total turnover from the Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector
Not relevant for these statistics.