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The economics of Danish feature films

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Science, Technology and Culture, Business Statistics
Cecilie Bryld Fjællegaard
+45 51 27 86 09

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The economics of Danish feature films 2023

The purpose of the statistics on the economics of Danish feature films is to shed light on the financing of and costs associated with the production of Danish feature films, ie. where the money comes from and what it has been used for. As of 2023 the statistics furthermore sheds light on the revenue of Danish feature films. The statistics can be used to describe the financial framework conditions for Danish feature films. The statistics have been prepared for the first time in 2021 and cover the period from 2010 onwards.

Statistical presentation

The economics of Danish feature films is an annual statement of the framework conditions for Danish feature films by type of financing (public support and private financing), country of financing (Denmark or abroad), target groups (eg. children / young people / families or adults), cost types (salary and other costs) and revenue type (cinema, video, TV) calculated in both mill. DKK and number of films.

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Statistical processing

Data for the statistics are collected by the Danish Film Institute for use in the administration of film support. It is examined whether the number of feature films in the data received matches the number of feature films supported through the Consultant or Market Scheme. Then various sum checks are made for the individual films. In the event of irregularities or questions, the Danish Film Institute is contacted and data edited if necessary. Data is then enriched with information about the target group from Statistics Denmark's Film Register. Finally, data is aggregated to the final tables.

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The statistics are relevant for industry professionals, researchers, analysts and others with a special or general interest in the economic aspects of Danish film production. It can be used to support analyzes of the development in Danish feature film production and / or be a starting point for political debates and decisions. It can also provide an insight into the framework conditions for Danish feature films for other interested parties.

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Accuracy and reliability

The data basis is production accounts for Danish feature films that have received support from the Danish Film Institute either through the Consultancy or Market Scheme, but omit feature films that have received other or no support. The statistics are therefore not fully comprehensive and underestimate the financing of, the costs associated with and the number of Danish feature films. The data base comprises an average of 82 per cent of Danish feature films and 94 per cent of the total sales of cinema tickets.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics are published two years after the end of the reference period. The table concerning revenue to Danish feature films is published four years after the end of the reference period.

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The time series is comparable throughout the period. The statistics are partly comparable with Statistics Denmark's cinema statistics and can be compared with the Cultural Habits Survey's results regarding films and series. Internationally, the statistics can be compared with UNESCO's feature film statistics. There are no common European or international guidelines in the field, but there are a number of international and European sources for lighting the feature film field.

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Accessibility and clarity

The statistics are published in News from Statistics Denmark. Statistics Denmark publishes figures for the economy of Danish feature films under the topic Cinemas and films. See more on the subject page Cinemas and films.

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