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Labour Market, Social StatisticsDaniel F. Gustafsson
+45 20 51 64 72
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The Monthly LFS is published in the table AKU111M: Labour force status in percentage by seasonally adjustment and employment status
The difference between the two unemployment figures is described here Unemployment concepts.
Data is every month and every quarter delivered to the Statistical Office of the European Union, Eurostat, where data for all EU countries can be found.
Release calendar
The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.
Release calendar access
The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.
User access
Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.
News release
There is no separate news release for the Monthly LFS.
Not relevant
On-line database
The Monthly LFS is published in the table AKU111M: Labour force status in percentage by seasonally adjustment and employment status
Figures are published for the unemployment rate, employment rate and participation rate - seasonally adjusted and not seasonally adjusted. The figures are published in statistics bank tables at the same time as the register-based unemployment, about one month after the end of the reference month. The LFS sample is designed to be used on a quarterly basis, therefore the sample is too small to form meaningful subdivisions on e.g. gender and age.
Micro-data access
It is possible to gain access to quarterly Micro-data through Statistics Denmark' registers Research Services.
Paper on additional guidelines to inform external users.
Information on employment and unemployment can be found under Subject Pages.
Data is delivered to Eurostat each month and published on Eurostat's website.
Statistics Denmark publishes two unemployment figures:
- Concepts.
- Unemployment in LFS and other Danish statistics (Danish version).
- Unemployment concepts (Danish version).
Statistics Denmark publishes several employment figures:
- Concepts.
- Employment i LFS and other Danish statistics.
- Employment concepts (Danish version).
The quarterly Labour Force Survey can be supplemented with additional questions, so-called “EU moduls”. The main focus of the EU moduls changes yearly, but at the same time the construction “rotates” meaning that the same subjects are repeated regularly. From 2016 the respondents participate for only one out of four panels each quarter. Before 2016 all respondents participating in the survey during the second quarter were asked the questions from the EU modul.
How can one use the EU modules?
If your organization or firm is interested in the subjects from the EU modules, it is possible to:
- Gain access to data from already completed EU modules
- Link additional questions to forthcoming EU modules
- Get involved in the development of EU modules
For an overview of the EU modules: Ad hoc modules 1999-2025
Confidentiality - policy
The labour Force survey follows the guidelines of the Data Confidentiality Policy at Statistics Denmark: Data Confidentiality Policy.
Read more about the method(Danish) in the monthly labour Force Survey.
Confidentiality - data treatment
The labour Force survey follows the guidelines of the Data Confidentiality Policy at Statistics Denmark: Data Confidentiality Policy.
It is suggested that users who want access to the LFS data, should use quarterly data, as the quality and the possibilities are far better. Statistics Denmark has described some guidelines for the use of data from the LFS. The purpose is to assure quality in the analysis based on the LFS and furthermore inform external users of the LFS on e.g. sampling errors. It is possible to achieve knowledge about publishing limits on yearly and quarterly basis. Figures in the group that can be published subject to caution should only be published in special cases. Statistics Denmark recommends that this is discussed before figures are published with employees from the Labour Force Survey.
For further information:
- Paper on guidelines to inform external users.
- Paper on additional guidelines to inform external users.
Documentation on methodology
Further documentation is available:
- Method i den månedlige arbejdskraftundersøgelse (DK)).
- Documentation on the quarterly LFS.
- Unemployment concepts.
- Differences in employment statistics (In Danish only).
Quality documentation
Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.