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The Student Registre

The Students Register, which was established in the early 1970's, is a longitudinal register that allow you to follow the educational careers of students in the mainline education system. The purpose of The Student Register is to analyze entrance to, enrolment in and graduation from the mainline education system as well as transmissions of student within the system.

Statistical presentation

The Student Register is a longitudinal register that allows you to track the educational careers of each student throughout all the educational programs comprising their educational career. The register covers educational careers starting from preschool to PhD. All publicly recognized educational programs are included. Data about PhDs is delayed by one year compared to other data in the register. Adult or continuing education, as well as education taken outside Denmark, are not included in the register.

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Statistical processing

The Student Register is based on annual reports from the Danish educational institutions. The majority of data is collected by system to-system reporting. However, there are a few educational institutions which report through web-based questionnaires. In cooperation with system suppliers, Statistics Denmark has established requirements for reporting formats, validation and error searches. In addition, there is an extensive validation of data at Statistics Denmark.

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The register illuminates entrances, departures, and student flows within the education system. It serves as the foundation for education tables in StatBank Denmark.

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Accuracy and reliability

The information in The Student Register is obtained from the institutions' administrative register and goes through a comprehensive error check in connection with the annual data collections. The reliability of the educational information is considered to be high.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics are published about 4 months after the end of the reference time. The statistics are usually published without delay in accordance with the scheduled date.

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The information contained in The Student Register starts in 1973 and comparability over time is good. Basic school includes only grade 8-10. up to the school year 2005/06. From the school year 2006/2007 preschool through 7th grade is included.

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Accessibility and clarity

Statistics are published annually in the statbank under the subject Full-time education and on the homepage for uddannelsesstatistik

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