Statistical presentation
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The statistics is an annual statement of sales of recorded music and rights, as well as the number of registered musical works and authors of music with registered musical works. The statistics are published in News from Statistics Denmark and in the Statistics Bank. Sales are broken down by form of distribution, nationality (Denmark/Abroad), type of rights holders, geography and the gender and age of individual rights holders. Rights holders represented by, for example, a publisher are not included in the gender and age breakdown of the statistics. The number of musical works are broken down by the number of musical works in total and new registered musical works annually. The number of authors of music with new registered musical works is broken down by gender and age.
Data description
The statistics Trade with music rights include two types of economic activity:
- The sale of music and
- Entitlement payments by public performance and reproduction.
Sales of music are determined as the music companies' total turnover from physical sales, digital downloads and streaming.
Rights Payments consists of payments to the creative artist, i.e. composer or author of royalties, the performing artist when the music is performed and the producers, i.e. record companies and others in charge of the recording of the sound recordings published. The rights to a musical work are, as a general rule, valid for 70 years from the right holder's death. During that period, payment goes to the right holder's heirs. The statistics do not distinguish between the types of property rights.
The number of musical works corresponds to the number of unique musical works that have been registered. The number of authors of music corresponds to the number of unique persons with a Danish social security number who have contributed to composing or writing the registered musical works.
Classification system
The statistics are not based on standard classifications.
Sector coverage
Not relevant
Statistical concepts and definitions
Music rights: Composers, songwriters and performers receive rights payments every time their musical work is played in public. Composer and songwriter rights must also be paid for when the music is recorded on CDs, tapes, movies, video and other audio media. Finally, there are rights associated with copying notes and selling blank media that can subsequently be used for copying.
Musical work: A musical composition protected by copyright law.
Statistical unit
The units in the statistics is musical compositions that are protected by copyright law.
Statistical population
The population of the statistics is musical works created by composers, domiciled in Denmark, as well as musical works sold in Denmark, regardless of whether the composer is domiciled in Denmark.
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics covers 2008 and onwards.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistic.
Unit of measure
Financial information is in Danish kroner. The number of musical works is shown in the number of 1000 works, and the number of musical authors is rounded up or down to the closest ten.
Reference period
The statistics are compiled annually.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
There is an agreement with IFPI, Koda and Gramex annual deliveries of data. The statistics are national.
Cost and burden
The statistics are based on a voluntary agreement with the data providers. The administrative burdens associated with the statistics has not been estimated.
More information about the statistics can be found on the Subject page. You are welcome to contact Statistics Denmark if you are interested in further information.