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Short Term Statistics
Heidi Sørensen
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Transport by Ferries and Passenger Ships

The statistics on transport by ferries and passenger ships are a monthly and annual statistics on the transport of passengers and goods by ferries and by passenger ships between Danish ports or between Danish and foreign ports.

The most important variables used in the statistics are: Trips, passengers, vehicles, goods on road vehicles and other goods.

The statistics are published annually in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik and in the Statbank.

Data description

The statistics contain monthly and annual information on the transport of passengers and goods by ferries and by passenger ships between Danish ports or between Danish and foreign ports.

The statistics cover all routes with passenger transport performance (passenger-km) above 100,000 passenger-km or 10,000 vehicle-km annually. The statistics does not cover a number of smaller ferries and passenger vessels used on shorter route that mainly transport passengers and goods to small islands close to the mainland.

The most important variables used in the statistics are: Trips, passengers, vehicles, goods on road vehicles and other goods.

Classification system

Not relevant for these statistics.

Sector coverage

Transport by ferries.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Vehiclekilometre: A measure representing the movement of one vehicle onboard a ferry over one kilometre

Journeys to and fro: Journeys to and fro

Goods by ferries: Goods transported by ferries. Either within another transport unit, e.g. truck or road train or as mixed cargo

Passengerkilometre: Passengerkilometre is the movement of one passenger over one kilometre

Tonnekilometre: Tonnekilometre is the movement of one tonne of cargo over one kilometre

Statistical unit

The entity is the ferry route.

Statistical population

Passenger and goods transport on passenger and ferry lines in Danish sea ports

Reference area


Time coverage

Annual statistics cover the period 1990 and forward whilst the monthly statistics cover the period from 2000 and forward.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

  • passengers, cars, road goods vehicles, busses, etc. in thousands
  • goods in 1,000 tonnes
  • passenger transport performance in 1,000 passenger-kilometres

Reference period

The reference period is the calendar year or calendar month.

Frequency of dissemination

Quarterly and annually.

Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik), Section 8, cf. Order no. 610 of 30 May 2018.

Council Directive 2009/42/EC of 6 May 2009 on statistical returns in respect of carriage of goods and passengers by sea.

Cost and burden

The burden for data providers were for 2013 calculated to be 141,000 DKK in fixed 2004 prices.


Additional information can be found at the subject page of the statistics or by contacting Statistics Denmark.

The COVID19-pandemic haven't had any effect on neither data collection nor the quality of the statistics.