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Statistical processing

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National Accounts, Climate and Environment
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Water and Waste Water

Statistics Denmark prepares water statistics based on data from GEUS on abstraction of water and waste water statistics based on data from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The distribution of abstraction of water, use of water and discharge of waste water between industrial groups as well as the cost are based on a number of additional sources.

Source data

Annually a specified data set from the Jupiter database is received from GEUS. The data set is used for preparation of statistics on abstraction of groundwater and surface water. The complete database is also downloaded to get micro-data for use in distribution in industry groups.

Annually a specified data set from the PULS database is received from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. The data set is used for preparation of waste water statistics.

Annually information on prices on water supply and waste water treatment is obtained from DANVA (Dansk Vand- og Spildevandsforening).

Environmental reports from specific companies are also used for preparation of the water accounts.

Frequency of data collection


Data collection

Data is not collected by Statistics Denmark.

Data on extraction of water obtained as a database (Jupiter) from GEUS / received by e-mail from GEUS in Excel format. Data on discharge of waste water to recipient is obtained be e-mail from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency. Data on prices on water supply and waste water treatment is obtained from DANVA.

Data validation

Data received by Statistics Denmark from other authorities are already quality assured to a certain degree. Preparation of the water accounts cause further validation of data and also validation between different sources. Statistics Denmark therefore corrects data in dialogue with data suppliers.

GEUS validates data in the Jupiter database before publishing in the annual report Groundwater - status and development 1989 - . However, examination of the data shows non consistent time series. The consistency is improved. Regarding reimbursement data the consistency is also improved.

The Danish Environmental Protection Agency validates data in the PULS database before publishing the annual report on Point sources.

Information on prices on water supply and waste water treatment are compiled by DANVA among members. Missing values are estimated to get complete time series.

Data compilation


The water account is based on the total abstracted amount of groundwater and surface water and the total discharge of waste water. Source data from the Jupiter database is used for distribution of abstracted ground water and surface water. For agriculture, aqua culture and other industries with own water abstraction the amount of water is allocated to the relevant industrial group. The 117 industrial groups from the national accounts are used for distribution.

The delivery from the water supply companies are corrected for loss in the abstraction and loss in the delivery to the end user. The delivered amount of water is distributed between households and industrial groups in an iterative process. Information on tax refunds are used for distribution between industrial groups. Figures from DANVA is used for estimation of consumption in households. The remaining amount of water is allocated to public institutions by use of key numbers as number of employees.

Based on price information for water supply plants compiled by DANVA an average price for water has been estimated. Based on water consumption the payment for households and industrial groups can be calculated. The payment is adjusted against the overall income in the water supply sector..

Waste water

The amount of waste water generated in the different industrial groups are estimated based on assumptions on water contained in products, evaporated etc. The assumptions on water contained in products and evaporation is based on information in the report Vandforbrug i fremstillingsindustrien (Water consumption in the industry; Environmental Project no. 259 from 1994) supplemented with up to date company specific information. The information on own discharge from companies are included in an overall assessment of the use of water and discharge of waste water in the industrial groups.

The water account is balanced by using information on the total discharge from waste water treatment plants and estimated percolation of groundwater to the sewerage and estimated contribution by rain water.

Based on information from DANVA on prices for waste water treatment an average price has been estimated. The cost for households and industrial groups is calculated from consumption and the average price. For 2014 and onwards a price reduction for major consumers has been implemented.


No corrections have been made except as described under data validation and data processing.