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How many employees are there in Denmark, and how has the number of employees developed over time? How is the distribution of employees by industry and sector? The statistics include general government employees as well as employees of corporations and organisations.

Explainer on…

An employees attachment to an establishment (local kind of activity unit) for a period of time. One person can have more than one job at different establishments during the same reference period and can have more than one job at the same establishment during different periods.

Time series assessed on a monthly or quarterly basis are often affected by phenomena that appear at the same time every year. The time series are said to be subject to seasonal effects. When making a seasonal adjustment, you try to remove seasonal effects from the time series.

Selected statistics on Employees

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Employees. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Development in the number of employees

Here you can see how the number of employees has developed since 2008.
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Source data

The source of the statistics is the eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark combined with data from the Business Register and the Population Register of Statistics Denmark. The eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark is based on income information reported to the eIncome Register of the Ministry of Taxation.

Employees by industry

Here you can see how employees are distributed across industries.
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Source data

The source of the statistics is the eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark combined with data from the Business Register and the Population Register of Statistics Denmark. The eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark is based on income information reported to the eIncome Register of the Ministry of Taxation.

Employees by sector

Here you can see how big a share of employees are employed in general government and in corporations and organisations respectively. The latter sector consists mainly of private businesses. See the number by marking the different parts of the donut chart.
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Source data

The source of the statistics is the eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark combined with data from the Business Register and the Population Register of Statistics Denmark. The eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark is based on income information reported to the eIncome Register of the Ministry of Taxation.

Development in general government full-time employment

Here you can see how the number of full-time employees in general government has developed since 2008.
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Source data

The data source of the statistics is the eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark. This is combined with information on e.g. public account numbers from public reports.

General government full-time employees by sector

Here you can see how general government full-time employees are distributed across municipalities, regions, central government and social security funds.
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Source data

The data source of the statistics is the eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark. This is combined with information on e.g. public account numbers from public reports.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Employees (monthly)

The purpose of these statistics is to clarify the short-term development in the employment of employees in Danish enterprises. The statistics contains employment data from the beginning of 2008.

Public sector employment (quarterly)

The public employment statistics cover general government sector and its subsectors. The statistics are published quarterly and are distributed by subsector and by purpose. The classification by purpose follows the classification COFOG (Classification of the functions of Government).

Need more data on Employees?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find more detailed figures, e.g. employees broken down by age, sex, ancestry and geography. In Statbank Denmark you will find both monthly and quarterly figures. 


Thomas Thorsen
Phone: +45 23 69 94 27