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How many die per year in Denmark? How old are we when we die and what is the most common cause of death? The statistics on deaths include those who had an officially registered address in Denmark at the time of death. The deaths can be disaggregated by e.g. sex, age and causes of death.

Selected statistics on Deaths

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Deaths. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Development in the number of deaths

Here you can see the development in number of deaths in the past 40 years.
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Source data

The primary source of the statistics is the Civil Registration System (CPR). The continuous updating of the Civil Registration System is thus the basis of the population statistics. The updating takes place in the individual municipalities as the municipal population changes because of births and deaths, migrations in and out of the municipality and changes in marital status for the citizens of the municipality. The Civil Registration System is a central system with a common database where all registrations are updated. The state makes the system available to the individual municipalities. The Danish Health Data Authority’s Birth Register and Cause of Death Register are the secondary sources providing data on births and deaths respectively.

Number of deaths disaggregated by cause of death

Here you can see how the number of deaths is disaggregated by cause of death. The figures are from the last updated year.
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Source data

The primary source of the statistics is the Civil Registration System (CPR). The continuous updating of the Civil Registration System is thus the basis of the population statistics. The updating takes place in the individual municipalities as the municipal population changes because of births and deaths, migrations in and out of the municipality and changes in marital status for the citizens of the municipality. The Civil Registration System is a central system with a common database where all registrations are updated. The state makes the system available to the individual municipalities. The Danish Health Data Authority’s Birth Register and Cause of Death Register are the secondary sources providing data on births and deaths respectively.

Number of deaths disaggregated by age

Here you can see how the number of deaths is disaggregated by age. The figures are from the last updated year.
More about the figure
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Source data

The primary source of the statistics is the Civil Registration System (CPR). The continuous updating of the Civil Registration System is thus the basis of the population statistics. The updating takes place in the individual municipalities as the municipal population changes because of births and deaths, migrations in and out of the municipality and changes in marital status for the citizens of the municipality. The Civil Registration System is a central system with a common database where all registrations are updated. The state makes the system available to the individual municipalities. The Danish Health Data Authority’s Birth Register and Cause of Death Register are the secondary sources providing data on births and deaths respectively.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

The Population

The purpose of the population statistics is to focus on the size, composition and development of the population living in Denmark. The statistics create a basis for a number of analyses on demography and society and are used as a basis for planning tasks on a national, regional and municipal level. In their basic form, the statistics have been compiled since 1769 but have undergone a series of changes as society developed and legislation followed. Most of the present table series in Statbank Denmark comprise data from 2007 and forward, while a few of these go back further.

Need more data on Deaths?

You can search further in Statbank Denmark yourself. Find more detailed figures, e.g. about the number of deaths disaggregated by date of death or geography.


Dorthe Larsen
Phone: +45 23 49 83 26