Production and turnover in manufacturing industries
Is the industry producing more or less? And what is the development in the industry's exports? The statistics answer and gives information on both production and turnover. The latter split into export and domestic market
Selected statistics on Production and turnover in manufacturing industries
The development in the production index
The primary source is a sample of approx. 1,000 industrial enterprises, which are stratified in terms of industry and size measured by number of employees (divided into four sizes). The framework population consists of kind of activities units (KAUs) in companies with at least 10 employees in the relevant industries. However, all kind of activities units (KAUs) with at least 200 employees in the selected industries are included in the sample, while companies with fewer than 20 employees are not selected for the sample. In general, kind of activities units (KAUs) with fewer employees are less likely to be drawn, however, there will be a high probability of being drawn if it is a small industry with large variation in turnover.
The drawing takes place at company level, which means that all kind of activities units (KAUs) that are part of a drawn company are included in the sample with the same enumeration factor. The last draw took place in 2022. Every year in the first quarter, the sample is supplemented with new companies with at least 200 employees. The Business Statistics Register, which is based on the Central Business Register (CVR), is used to update and update the sample of industrial companies.
For a small part of the sample, companies do not report, as data on turnover and inventories can be obtained directly from the VAT information on which the statistics Companies' purchases and sales are based.
The producer price index for goods is used in the calculation of the production index.
Information for oil and gas extraction, which is part of raw material extraction (section B) and energy supply (section D + E), was included in the calculation of the production index in 2005. The source of this data is primary material from the Danish Energy Agency and Danish Oil Contingency Stocks. The net price index and a special run on export figures from the Foreign Trade Statistics.
The development in the turnover index
The primary source is a sample of approx. 1,000 industrial enterprises, which are stratified in terms of industry and size measured by number of employees (divided into four sizes). The framework population consists of kind of activities units (KAUs) in companies with at least 10 employees in the relevant industries. However, all kind of activities units (KAUs) with at least 200 employees in the selected industries are included in the sample, while companies with fewer than 20 employees are not selected for the sample. In general, kind of activities units (KAUs) with fewer employees are less likely to be drawn, however, there will be a high probability of being drawn if it is a small industry with large variation in turnover.
The drawing takes place at company level, which means that all kind of activities units (KAUs) that are part of a drawn company are included in the sample with the same enumeration factor. The last draw took place in 2022. Every year in the first quarter, the sample is supplemented with new companies with at least 200 employees. The Business Statistics Register, which is based on the Central Business Register (CVR), is used to update and update the sample of industrial companies.
For a small part of the sample, companies do not report, as data on turnover and inventories can be obtained directly from the VAT information on which the statistics Companies' purchases and sales are based.
The producer price index for goods is used in the calculation of the production index.
Information for oil and gas extraction, which is part of raw material extraction (section B) and energy supply (section D + E), was included in the calculation of the production index in 2005. The source of this data is primary material from the Danish Energy Agency and Danish Oil Contingency Stocks. The net price index and a special run on export figures from the Foreign Trade Statistics.
On the statistics – documentation, sources and method
See the documentation of statistics to learn more:
The purpose of the statistics Industry's production and turnover is to shed light on developments in the industry. It is primarily used for assessments of economic developments in industry in Denmark.
The statistics are part of the EU's common short-term statistics and date back to 1974, but in their current form are comparable from 1985 onwards for most industries.