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Livestock production

How many farm animals, e.g. cattle and pigs, are slaughtered in Denmark, and how many live animals are exported? How big is the production of meat and dairy products, including organic eggs and milk? Here you will find the statistics on livestock production in Denmark.

Selected statistics on Livestock production

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Livestock production. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Slaughters and production of pigs

The figure shows the total production of pigs in Denmark, including pigs for slaughter. Total production also includes exports of live pigs, which is primarily piglets (learn more about this in Statbank Denmark). These are monthly figures. 
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Source data

The primary data are collected from a wide range of sources. The important data providers are public institutions , trade and industry organizations Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark and specifically selected private business enterprises (Danish Agriculture and Food).

Data on external trade are extracted from Statistics Denmark's external trade statistics and data are also received from the Agricultural Tax Funds.

For further information on the specific use of the individual sources, see section. 3.5 computing

Production of cattle

The figure shows the total production of cattle in Denmark. These are monthly figures.
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Source data

The primary data are collected from a wide range of sources. The important data providers are public institutions , trade and industry organizations Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark and specifically selected private business enterprises (Danish Agriculture and Food).

Data on external trade are extracted from Statistics Denmark's external trade statistics and data are also received from the Agricultural Tax Funds.

For further information on the specific use of the individual sources, see section. 3.5 computing

Production of eggs in Denmark

Here you can see how the production of eggs has evolved, disaggregated into eggs from caged hens, barn eggs, organic eggs and eggs from free-range hens.
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Source data

Data on eggs weighed in on egg packages comes until 2023 from an administrative register in the Ministry of the Environment and Food with information on egg turnover in the packages. From 2023 data are collected by Static Denmark.

All egg parcels were obliged to report onto 2023 to the Ministry. The purpose is for all registered parcels to pay a fee that is used for the financing of controls, including supervision, authorization, registration, approval, notification, certification and examination of the eggs.

Data on hatching eggs are from the Poultry Tax Fund where the hatcheries are required to report data. The purpose is for all registered hatcheries to pay a fee that is used to fund control, including supervision, authorization, registration, approval, etc.

Milk production

The figure shows the volume of whole milk delivered to dairies and the volume of organic milk hereof. ‘Farm-gate milk’ is a term for the milk that leaves the farm and is subsequently delivered to the dairy.
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Source data

Data on milk and dairy products comes from administrative register. The primary administrative register are Danish Dairy Board (which collects data from every single dairy in Denmark), public institutions, trade and industry organizations and private business enterprises. The others data comes from SEGES, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council and Cattle survey .

Production of dairy products

Here you can see the production of liquid milk, butter and cheese in the dairies in Denmark – both conventional and organic.
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Source data

Data on milk and dairy products comes from administrative register. The primary administrative register are Danish Dairy Board (which collects data from every single dairy in Denmark), public institutions, trade and industry organizations and private business enterprises. The others data comes from SEGES, the Danish Agriculture & Food Council and Cattle survey .

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Eggs Production

The purpose of the statistics on egg production is to describe the quantity and value of eggs produced in Denmark. The statistics on eggs have a long history and date back to the 20th century. Since 1955, the statistics have been compiled on the same basis as is used today. From 1996 and onwards, the production of consumer eggs divided into production forms: i.e. eggs from caged hens, barn eggs, free-range eggs and organic eggs.

Livestock production

The purpose of Animal Products is to show size of production of animal agricultural products in Denmark. The statistics are used to monitor the price and quantity of development as well as the total value of animal production. The statistics on animal products have a long history and since 1900 it is possible to compare time series for the main figures, but from 1945 there have been adequate statistics in this area.

Milk and Dairy Products

The statistics are used to describe the purpose of the statistics on milk and dairy products is to illuminate the size and value of the milk production on the farms and the use of milk for dairy products. The statistics on milk and dairy product have a long history and the key figures covering the past 100 years are comparable. The statistics in their present form are comparable from 1990 onwards.

Slaughter Animals and Meat Production

The purpose of slaughter animals and meat production is to show the size and value of total production of animals for slaughtering and meat. The statistics are used, among other things, to follow the Danish production of slaughter animals and meat in the slaughterhouses. The statistics have a long history and the key figures covering the past 100 years are comparable. During the 1920s and 1930s the statistics were improved and since the Second World War there has been adequate statistics in this area, but is in its present form comparable from 1990 to the year, while the monthly figures are from 1995 onwards.

Need more data on Livestock production?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find further details, e.g. on horses, sheep, lambs and poultry; the average weight of slaughtered animals; the livestock number exported, etc.


In these publications, you will find data that go back further in history (before 1990):
Publication: Landbrug 2011 - Danmarks Statistik (


Mona Larsen
Phone: +45 24 81 68 47