All types of overnight accommodation
These statistics cover the millions of overnight-stays that Danish and foreign guests have at hotels, holiday centers, hostels, campgrounds, as well as holiday homes and marinas in Denmark each year.
The statistics are published monthly and annually.
The category hotel and holiday centers also include motels, inns, guest houses, holiday centers and hostels. The monthly hotel statistics are calculated from reporting from hotels etc. with at least 40 beds, while the yearly statistics also include reports from hotels etc. with at least 10 beds.
The monthly camping sites statistics are calculated from reporting from camping sites with a capacity of at least 75 guests per night, while the yearly statistics include all camping sites with a capacity of at least 10 per night.
The statistics for marinas are voluntarily reported between May and September.
Holiday houses cover all holiday house rentals with at least 25 houses available for rental. Holiday houses which are rented privately are not part of the statistics.
Documentation of statistics
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Related content in All types of overnight accommodation
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