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Here you can see the development in the number of enterprise births and deaths and how they are allocated across activities and types of ownership. You can also find statistics on high-growth enterprises.

Explainer on…

An enterprise that becomes active for the first time, or becomes active again after minimum two years of inactivity.

An enterprise that ceases to be active.

An enterprise that is continually active over a set period of years, after it has been characterised as an enterprise birth.

A person who exercises influence on a newly started enterprise, either by himself or in association with others.

An enterprise that achieves sustained growth in full time employees of minimum 20 percent each year, over a three-year period, and is characterized as an enterprise birth, one or two years before the high growth period.

Selected statistics on Entrepreneurs

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Entrepreneurs. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Change in the number of enterprise births

Here you can see how the number of enterprise births is changing each year.
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Source data

The Central Business Register is the basis of the statistics.

Data elements are obtained from the General enterprise statistics.

Allocation of enterprise births by activity

How are the enterprise births in Denmark allocated across activities? Here you can see how many enterprises are active in each activity. Note that enterprises are categorized by their main industry.
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Source data

The Central Business Register is the basis of the statistics.

Data elements are obtained from the General enterprise statistics.

Type of ownership for enterprise births

Here you can see the allocation of enterprise births by type of ownership.
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Source data

The Central Business Register is the basis of the statistics.

Data elements are obtained from the General enterprise statistics.

Change in the number of young high-growth enterprises

Here you can see how the number of young high-growth enterprises is changing each year.

Change in the number of enterprise deaths

Here you can see how the number of enterprise deaths is changing each year.
More about the figure
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Source data

The Central Business Register is the basis of the statistics.

Data elements are obtained from the General enterprise statistics.

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Business Demography

The purpose of the Business Demography is to provide information about the development of enterprise births and deaths as well as the survival of new enterprises over a period of five years. The statistics is comparable from 2019 onwards.

High Growth Enterprises

The statistics High growth enterprises in Denmark was published the first time in 2008. High growth enterprise as well as Gazelles were at that time measured. However, later the statistics was limited to only include Gazelles. The purpose of the statistics "Gazelles in Denmark" is to illustrate the development in the number of gazelles and jobs created in the growth period.

Need more data on Entrepreneurs?

Find further details in Statbank Denmark on enterprise births, deaths and survivals as well as young high-growth enterprises, allocated by industry, municipality and enterprise size.


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