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Imports and exports of goods and services

Which goods and services account for the highest shares of Denmark’s export, and who are our biggest trading partners? Each year, Denmark exports goods and services worth over DKK 1,000 billion. Here you gain an insight into Danish foreign trade broken down by commodity and service groups as well as geography.

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Prices or price level that applies to goods and services in the current period. The opposite of current prices is fixed prices.

Time series assessed on a monthly or quarterly basis are often affected by phenomena that appear at the same time every year. The time series are said to be subject to seasonal effects. When making a seasonal adjustment, you try to remove seasonal effects from the time series.

Selected statistics on Imports and exports of goods and services

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Imports and exports of goods and services. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

Monthly indicator for International trade at contant prices

Label for experimental statistics

The significant development in prices in recent years has made it more difficult to interpret the development in Danish imports and exports of goods. As part of Statistics Denmark's experimental statistics, a monthly fixed price indicator for international trade in goods has been calculated. This indicator is defined as the ratio between the value of international trade and an associated price index with a base year of 2021. The statbank tables UHM and PRIS4321 are used for the calculation. See more about the two statistics in the associated documentation Balance of Payments and Producer and Import Price Index for Commodities. This statistic is categorized as 'experimental statistics'. Read more in the documentation on this.

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Source data

The statistics are compiled based on several surveys, statistics, and administrative data. The most important sources are summarized below: - Statistics on International Trade in Goods, including supplementary information on the nature of individual transactions. - Statistics on International Trade in Services. - Supplementary information about businesses collected in the International Trade in Services survey: Trade in goods not crossing the Danish border. Price adjustment of goods that have crossed the Danish border. - Unilateral transfers to and from abroad. Trade in non-produced non-financial assets with foreign countries (e.g., trademarks and football players' licenses to play club football). - Insurance premiums and claims to and from abroad. - Nationalbankens compilation of Danish residents' investment income to and from abroad. - Information about public administration and service. - Information about Danish residents' wages and transfers from abroad and foreign residents' wages and transfers from Denmark. - Information on the import of illegal goods. - Survey of foreign embassies and international organizations' consumption in Denmark

Development in imports and exports of goods and services

Here you can see the development in imports and exports of goods and services. The imports are not quite as extensive as the exports and in this way, Denmark has a surplus on the trade in goods and services. The figures are stated in current prices. 
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Source data

The statistics are compiled based on several surveys, statistics, and administrative data. The most important sources are summarized below: - Statistics on International Trade in Goods, including supplementary information on the nature of individual transactions. - Statistics on International Trade in Services. - Supplementary information about businesses collected in the International Trade in Services survey: Trade in goods not crossing the Danish border. Price adjustment of goods that have crossed the Danish border. - Unilateral transfers to and from abroad. Trade in non-produced non-financial assets with foreign countries (e.g., trademarks and football players' licenses to play club football). - Insurance premiums and claims to and from abroad. - Nationalbankens compilation of Danish residents' investment income to and from abroad. - Information about public administration and service. - Information about Danish residents' wages and transfers from abroad and foreign residents' wages and transfers from Denmark. - Information on the import of illegal goods. - Survey of foreign embassies and international organizations' consumption in Denmark

The exports broken down by commodity groups

Here you can see the exports broken down by various commodity and service groups. Maritime transport, chemical products (including pharmaceuticals) and machinery are among the major commodity and service groups. The figures are seasonally adjusted and from the last updated month.
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Source data

The statistics are compiled based on several surveys, statistics, and administrative data. The most important sources are summarized below: - Statistics on International Trade in Goods, including supplementary information on the nature of individual transactions. - Statistics on International Trade in Services. - Supplementary information about businesses collected in the International Trade in Services survey: Trade in goods not crossing the Danish border. Price adjustment of goods that have crossed the Danish border. - Unilateral transfers to and from abroad. Trade in non-produced non-financial assets with foreign countries (e.g., trademarks and football players' licenses to play club football). - Insurance premiums and claims to and from abroad. - Nationalbankens compilation of Danish residents' investment income to and from abroad. - Information about public administration and service. - Information about Danish residents' wages and transfers from abroad and foreign residents' wages and transfers from Denmark. - Information on the import of illegal goods. - Survey of foreign embassies and international organizations' consumption in Denmark

Imports and exports broken down by selected trading partners

Here you can see the value of Danish imports and exports for selected trading partners. The figures are seasonally adjusted and from the last updated month.
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Source data

The statistics are compiled based on several surveys, statistics, and administrative data. The most important sources are summarized below: - Statistics on International Trade in Goods, including supplementary information on the nature of individual transactions. - Statistics on International Trade in Services. - Supplementary information about businesses collected in the International Trade in Services survey: Trade in goods not crossing the Danish border. Price adjustment of goods that have crossed the Danish border. - Unilateral transfers to and from abroad. Trade in non-produced non-financial assets with foreign countries (e.g., trademarks and football players' licenses to play club football). - Insurance premiums and claims to and from abroad. - Nationalbankens compilation of Danish residents' investment income to and from abroad. - Information about public administration and service. - Information about Danish residents' wages and transfers from abroad and foreign residents' wages and transfers from Denmark. - Information on the import of illegal goods. - Survey of foreign embassies and international organizations' consumption in Denmark

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Balance of Payments

The balance of payments describes the economic transactions between Denmark and the rest of the world. The balance of payments for Denmark has been compiled since 1934, with a continuous time series available since 2005. Today the main emphasis is placed upon incomes and expenses in relation to foreign countries. Originally, the most important item was the foreign debt, which is compiled as part of the International Investment Position (IIP) – Denmark’s external assets and liabilities. Since 1991 the IIP has been compiled by Danmarks Nationalbank. The balance of payments statistics are compiled in cooperation between Danmarks Nationalbank and Statistics Denmark, the latter being responsible for publishing the consolidated statistics.

International Trade in Goods

The statistics shows the development in Denmark's external trade in goods at a detailed level (imports and exports) by country and type of commodity. The statistics have been compiled regularly since 1838 covering 1836 and onwards.

International Trade in Services

Foreign trade in services describes the trade in services (imports and exports) with other countries. The trade is described both in terms of type of services and in terms of partner country/area. The statistics were introduced in connection with the termination of the settlement statistics in Danmarks Nationalbank by new-year 2004/05, cf. Balance of payments.

Need more data on Imports and exports of goods and services?

You can go on searching on your own in Statbank Denmark. Find specific figures, e.g. the development in per cent, other commodity and service groups, trading partners etc.


Mads Møller Liedig
Phone: +45 40 12 97 72