Economy of the general government sector
What are the expenditures and revenues of the public sector? How much money is used, e.g. on the military, healthcare and education, and how big is the net worth of general government? The public sector economy shows a consolidated picture of the economic activity in general government and in the public corporations.
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Is often referred to as financial savings
A positive net lending / borrowing indicates that the disposable income has been sufficient to cover the period's consumption and investment activity. The profit increases the portfolio of securities, cash, bank deposits and can also reduce debt.
A negative net lending / borrowing, means that disposable income has not been sufficient to cover the period's consumption and investment activity. The deficit reduces the portfolio of securities, cash and bank deposits and increases debt.
The net lending/borrowing of the total economy, is the sum of the net lending / borrowing of the institutional sectors. It represents the financial savings that the total economy makes available to the rest of the world (if it is positive) or receives from abroad (if it is negative). The total net lending / borrowing, are equal to the foreign net lending / borrowing, but with the opposite sign.
Is for each sector calculated as assets minus liabilities.
Selected statistics on Economy of the general government sector
The economy in general government

Final accounts of central government, municipalities, counties and social security funds. Accounts data for public quasi institutions are still not available in March, why unit data for year t-2the data are used.
Development in general government final consumption
Final accounts of central government, municipalities, counties and social security funds. Accounts data for public quasi institutions are still not available in March, why unit data for year t-2the data are used.
General government expenditure by function
Final accounts of central government, municipalities, counties and social security funds. Accounts data for public quasi institutions are still not available in March, why unit data for year t-2the data are used.
Development in financial net worth
Sources for the financial accounts include:
- Main sources are accounts for the general government, central government, local authorities, social securities funds and Extra budgetary units
- Central government debt from Danmarks Nationalbank.
- The Social Pensions Fund: Den sociale Pensionsfond (DSP).
- Unquoted bonds. Agency for Modernisation and Ministry of Finance.
- Stocks and flows of quoted and unquoted shares.
- Quotations from Nasdaq OMX.
- Accounts of extra budgetary units.
- VP debt securities statistics from Danmarks Nationalbank
- MFI statistics from Danmarks Nationalbank
- Balance of Payments statistics from Danmarks Nationalbank
Size of the public sector by GDP at factor cost
The data for the statistic is based on accounting information from central government, regions, and municipalities, along with approximately 800 public corporations (in Danish).
On the statistics – documentation, sources and method
See the documentation of statistics to learn more:
The purpose of Budgets of General Government is to analyze the economic activities of general government and to analyze the distribution of tasks and burden between sub-sectors of general government and finally to show the interaction between this sector and the rest of the economy. The budget-statistics of the February-version is based on passed budgets of state, counties and municipalities as well as social welfare funds. The September version is based on proposals for the state budget and the March version is based on the state budget. Both versions are compiled in cooperation with the Department of Finance. The calculations of the budget statistics of counties and municipalities are based on a national accounting standards interpretation of the municipal financial agreements. Social welfare funds numbers are calculated on estimates from unemployment funds. The statistics were produced for the first time in 1995. Data are available from 1996 and onward.
The purpose of the quarterly financial accounts for general government is to present a detailed picture of the holdings, transactions (buying and selling), other changes in volume and revaluations of financial assets/liabilities by financial instruments.
To ensure international comparability the statistics comply with the European System of Accounts - ESA 2010.
The annual financial accounts for general government has been published since 2001 while the quarterly financial accounts has been published since June 2002. The statistics is available from Q1 1995 and onwards.
The quarterly financial accounts for general government have undergone a benchmark revision since the last publication. In this benchmark revision, the statistics have been revised back to Q1 1995. The benchmark revision is a pan-European project that is carried out every 5 years. The purpose of the revision is to incorporate new knowledge and new methods and to ensure uniform calculation methods for all countries.
The statistic give information on the general government budget for research and development from 2001 onwards. The Ministry of Finance is in charge of the bigger part of the data collection.
The purpose of the statistics General government finances is to give a overview over expenditure and revenue in the general government sector. The statistics is used to analyze the public economy. Data are available and comparable from 1971 and onward.
General government statistics have undergone a benchmark revision since the last publication. In this benchmark revision, the statistics for public finances have been revised back to 1971. The benchmark revision is a pan-European project that is carried out every 5 years. The purpose of the revision is to incorporate new knowledge and new methods and to ensure uniform calculation methods for all countries.
This main revision of the public finance statistics has had no notable effect on public consumption, while the net lending/borrowing for general government has improved to a lesser extent.
The national accounts are a description of a country's economy and its development. It consists of a description of the economy as whole and the economic transactions between individuals, companies and institutions. The national accounts also include transactions between Denmark and abroad. The first Danish national accounts date back to the 1930's. Consistent time series of annual national accounts goes back to 1966, while quarterly national accounts are available as of first quarter 1990.
The purpose of the statistic is to show the activities that are owned or controlled by the general government and to illustrate the public area as an economic unit called the public sector. Statistics Denmark began publishing the statistic in March 1998, where it contained figures covering the period 1993-1996.