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Transport of goods by rail

How many goods on the Danish railway network are being transported? How much of it travels through Denmark? What are the type of goods transported? Transport of goods by rail illustrates the amount and type of goods transported on the Danish railway network

Selected statistics on Transport of goods by rail

This page shows selected popular statistics on the subject of Transport of goods by rail. In Statbank Denmark, you can find more data and compile your own statistics.

The volume of goods on the Danish railway network

Here you can see the quarterly volume of freight on the Danish railway network for the past 2 years.
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Source data

The data source for passenger and goods data is questionnaires to train operators including private railways and light rail lines. The data source for investments is partly the train operators and partly infrastructure managers. Other data sources are the Danish Transport Agency. .

The type of goods on the Danish railway network

Here you can see the annual distribution of the total volume of goods divided by type of goods for the volume of goods that does not only pass through Denmark.
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Source data

The data source for passenger and goods data is questionnaires to train operators including private railways and light rail lines. The data source for investments is partly the train operators and partly infrastructure managers. Other data sources are the Danish Transport Agency. .

On the statistics – documentation, sources and method

Gain an overview of the purpose, contents and quality of the statistics. Learn about the data sources of the statistics, the contents of the statistics and how often they are published.

See the documentation of statistics to learn more:

Rail Transport

Rail transport statistics covers transport of goods and passengers by rail, investments in rail infrastructure and vehicles, rail traffic and accidents. The statistics is used for policy work in the EU and is compliant with the EU-regulation on the topic which secures that it can be compared to other EU-countries. Furthermore it is used by others with interest in the railroad sector this includes government bodies.

Need more data on Transport of goods by rail?

Du kan selv søge videre i Statistikbanken. Find mere detaljerede tal, for example, which countries goods by train come from or how much dangerous goods are transported.


Mathias Dybdahl Bluhme
Phone: +45 40 22 56 37