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The average Dane

The average Dane has the surname Nielsen and is 42.2 years old. He or she sees a doctor or a dentist about eleven times a year. He or she drives a Volkswagen and usually spends his or her holidays in Spain.


Him and her

  • Anne and Peter are the most common first names, while Nielsen is the most common last name. The most common full names are Henrik Nielsen and Kirsten Jensen.
  • The average age is 42.2 years - women are 43.3 years, and men are 41.5 years.
  • 50.3 per cent of the population are women.
  • On average, men live 79.6 years, while women live 83.4 years.

Earnings and wealth

  • The average employee in Denmark earns DKK 46,972 per month before taxes. The amount includes pension and is calculated by the so-called standardised hourly earnings translated to a full-time monthly salary.
  • In 2022, Danes had a median net worth of DKK 701,429 after subtracting liabilities from assets.


  • 44.5 per cent of Danes above the age of 18 are either married or separated.
  • 41.0 per cent of all marriages are dissolved by divorce.
  • Marriages dissolved by divorce last for an average of 12.5 years.
  • The average age of women who get married for the first time is 33.7 years, while that of men is 35.9 years.
  • On average, brides age is 37.4 years, while grooms are 39.8 years.
  • Most divorces happen when people are 40 to 49 years old.

Family life

  • Women give birth to their first child at the average age of 30.0 years.
  • The average age of all women giving birth is 31.5 years.
  • The average age of first-time fathers is 31.7 years, and the average age of all fathers at the birth of their children is 33.6 years.
  • These days, new babies are most frequently named Frida or Carl.
  • We have an average of 1.5 children.


  • "Barbie" was the best-selling film in 2023 with 618,000 sold cinema tickets.
  • We don't go to the cinema as often as we used to. In 2023, cinema ticket sales reached 9.7m, which was 4.1m fewer tickets than in 2015.
  • When Danes go on holidays of at least four nights, they most often go to Spain. In 2022, Danes spent 19 per cent of their long holidays in Spain.
  • The majority of adults use social media. 91 per cent of Danes between the age of 16 and 74 have a profile on social media.
  • Nearly twice as many men as women aged 16-74 are using dating apps or dating websites, that is 12 per cent of the men and 7 per cent of the women.
  • Nearly one in three women aged 16-74 is using apps to reduce food waste, while just about one in five men is using them.
  • Crime novels, thrillers and suspense novels are the best-selling books for adults. In 2023, this genre sold just over one million books.
  • 1.4 million Danes were regular readers of a national newspaper in 2023.
  • The majority of online shoppers ordered clothes, sports goods, tickets for events and fastfood.
  •  92 per cent of the 16-74-year-olds sold goods and services online in 2023.


  • One in seven persons moved in the course of 2023 – altogether, 854,008 changes of address were registered during the year.
  • 56 per cent of all dwellings are occupied by the owner.
  • An average of 2.1 persons live in each household.
  • In 2024, there are 50,142 students living in halls of residence.
  • A total of 96 per cent of Danish families have internet access at home.


  • 13 per cent of the Danes were admitted to a hospital in 2022.
  • On average, each Dane is in contact with doctors, dentists and medical specialists etc. and medical specialists etc.  11 times per year.
  • 8 per cent of the population aged 16+ refrained from going to the dentist in 2023, because they could not afford it.
  • Danes above the age of 18 purchase beer, wine and spirits corresponding to 9.3 litres of pure alcohol per year. This corresponds to 11.9 units per week.
  • The annual sales of cigarettes etc. is 804 – or 40 packets – per capita above the age of 18.
  • 33 per cent of Danes between the age of 16 and 74 have purchased medicine via the internet within a year.

Energy and Transportation

  • An average Danish household spent DKK 23,440 on energy (electricity, gas and other fuels). One third went for electricity.
  • 77 per cent of all passenger transport in Denmark is by car.
  • With 344,764 cars, Volkswagen was the most common car in 2024.