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Tables in StatBank

Table ID Updated
Household waste
municipality groups, kind of treatment and waste category | Unit: Tonne
LABY24 20-12-2023
Key figures for household waste
municipality groups and key figures | Unit: -
LABY25 20-12-2023
Direct and indirect generation of waste
industry and waste category | Unit: -
AFF1MU1 08-11-2023
Direct and indirect generation of wate by final demand
final demand and waste category | Unit: -
AFF1MU2 08-11-2023
Waste generation by industries caused by final demand
final demand by industry and waste category | Unit: Tonne
AFF1MU3 08-11-2023
Direct and indirect use of waste
industry and kind of treatment | Unit: -
AFF2MU1 08-11-2023
Direct and indirect generation of waste by final demand
final demand and kind of treatment | Unit: -
AFF2MU2 08-11-2023
Generation of waste by industries caused by final demand
final demand, by industry and kind of treatment | Unit: Tonne
AFF2MU3 08-11-2023
Direct and indirect use of energy
industry and hazardousness | Unit: -
AFF3MU1 08-11-2023
Direct and indirect generation of waste by final demand
final demand and hazardousness | Unit: -
AFF3MU2 08-11-2023
Generation of waste by industries caused by final demand
final demand, by industry and hazardousness | Unit: Tonne
AFF3MU3 08-11-2023
Waste generation
industry, kind of treatment and waste category | Unit: Tonne
AFFALD 08-11-2023
Waste generation
industry and waste category | Unit: Tonne
AFFALD01 08-11-2023
Waste generation
industry and kind of treatment | Unit: Tonne
AFFALD02 08-11-2023
Waste generation
industry and hazardousness | Unit: Tonne
AFFALD03 08-11-2023
Im- and exports of waste
waste category, kind of treatment and imports and exports | Unit: Tonne
AFFALD04 08-11-2023
Use of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 1)
of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 1) | Unit: Tonne
MSR1A 24-11-2022
Detailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 1)
ailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 1) | Unit: Tonne
MSR1O 24-11-2022
Supply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 1)
ply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 1) | Unit: Tonne
MSR1T 24-11-2022
Use of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 2)
of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 2) | Unit: Tonne
MSR2A 24-11-2022
Detailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 2)
ailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 2) | Unit: Tonne
MSR2O 24-11-2022
Supply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 2)
ply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 2) | Unit: Tonne
MSR2T 24-11-2022
Use of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 3)
of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 3) | Unit: Tonne
MSR3A 24-11-2022
Detailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 3)
ailed material flow accounts, summary table (Level of detail 3) | Unit: Tonne
MSR3O 24-11-2022
Supply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 3)
ply of natural resources, goods and waste (Level of detail 3) | Unit: Tonne
MSR3T 24-11-2022