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Tables in StatBank

Energy and air emission accounts

Table ID Updated
Renewable energy's share of total gross energy consumption
ewable energy's share of total gross energy consumption | Unit: Per cent
SDG07021 18-06-2024
Energy Account in specific units (detailed table)
use and type of energy | Unit: -
ENE1HA 14-06-2024
Energy Account in specific units (summary table)
supply and use and type of energy | Unit: -
ENE1HO 14-06-2024
Energy Account in specific units (detailed table)
supply and type of energy | Unit: -
ENE1HT 14-06-2024
Energy Account in GJ (detailed table)
use and type of energy | Unit: GJ (gigajoule)
ENE2HA 14-06-2024
Energy Account in GJ (summary table)
supply and use and type of energy | Unit: GJ (gigajoule)
ENE2HO 14-06-2024
Energy Account in GJ (detailed table)
supply and type of energy | Unit: GJ (gigajoule)
ENE2HT 14-06-2024
Gross energy consumption in GJ
industry and type of energy | Unit: GJ (gigajoule)
ENE3H 14-06-2024
Climate footprint (experimental statistics)
type of use, emitting industries and emitting countries | Unit: Tonnes of CO2-equivalents
AFTRYK1 30-04-2024
Climate footprint (experimental statistics)
type of use, supplying industries, emitting industries and emitting countries | Unit: Tonnes of CO2-equivalents
AFTRYK2 30-04-2024
Key figures for energy consumption and production
municipality groups, indicator and unit | Unit: -
LABY33 21-12-2023
Key figures for greenhouse gas emissions
municipality groups, indicator, type of emission and unit | Unit: -
LABY34 21-12-2023
Bridge table
bridging items and type of emission | Unit: -
MRO1 05-12-2023
Greenhouse Gas Accounts (in CO2 equivalents)
industry and type of emission | Unit: 1,000 tonnes
DRIVHUS 14-09-2023
Greenhouse Gas Accounts (in CO2 equivalents)
industry, type of emission and Calculation principle | Unit: 1,000 tonnes
DRIVHUS2 14-09-2023
Direct and indirect air emissions
industry and type of emission | Unit: -
EMM1MU1 14-09-2023
Direct and indirect air emissions
final demand and type of emission | Unit: -
EMM1MU2 14-09-2023
Direct and indirect air emissions
final demand, by industry and type of emission | Unit: -
EMM1MU3 14-09-2023
Bridge table for Greenhouse Gasses
bridging items and type of emission | Unit: 1,000 tonnes
MRO2 14-09-2023
Air Emission Accounts
industry and type of emission | Unit: -
MRU1 14-09-2023
Greenhouse gases
unit | Unit: Index
TEMA9001 14-09-2023
Renewable energy share of energy consumption.
country | Unit: Per cent
TEMA9003 14-09-2023
Greenhouse gas accounts
industry | Unit: 1,000 tonnes
TEMA9005 14-09-2023
CO2 emissions from families' energy consumption
energysource | Unit: 1,000 tonnes
TEMA9006 14-09-2023
Greenhouse gas emissions
unit | Unit: Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents
TEMA9007 14-09-2023
Emissions from agriculture, forestry and fishing
type of emission | Unit: Million tonnes of CO2 equivalents
TEMA9010 14-09-2023
Greenhouse gas emissions per. unit value added
industry | Unit: Tonnes per m DKK
TEMA9012 14-09-2023
Direct and indirect use of energy
industry and type of energy | Unit: -
ENE2MU1 30-06-2023
Direct and indirect use of energy
final demand and type of energy | Unit: -
ENE2MU2 30-06-2023
Direct and indirect use of energy
final demand, by industry and type of energy | Unit: GJ (gigajoule)
ENE2MU3 30-06-2023
Greenhouse gas emissions per capita
country | Unit: Tonnes of CO2 equivalent per capita
TEMA9008 26-08-2022