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Scheduled Releases

Postponed releases

  • The following Statbank Denmark tables regarding Farms and agricultural and horticultural labour scheduled for release 04-06-2024 have been postponed until 01-11-2024: BDF307, BDF6, BDF7, BDF807, BDF907

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100 results
Date Time Type Title Subsubject Period Confirmed
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table MPK13: Share index Interest rates and fees August 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 News Index of retail sales Retail trade index August 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table DETA211: Retail Trade Index Retail trade index July 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table DETA212: Retail Trade Index Retail trade index August 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 News Sales of real property, quarterly Sales of real property 2 quarter 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJENEU: House Price Index (HPI) Sales of real property 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJEN77: Sales of real property Sales of real property 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJEN88: Sales of real property Sales of real property 2023 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJ121: Seasonally adjusted sales of property Sales of real property 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJ131: Sales of real property Sales of real property July 2023 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJ5: Price index for sales of property Sales of real property 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJ56: Price index for sales of property Sales of real property 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJ6: Price index for sales property Sales of real property 2023 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJ67: Price index for sales property Sales of real property 2023 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table EJ99: Price index for housing cooperatives and owner-occupied housing Sales of real property 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
27‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LABY22: Sales of real property Sales of real property 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NAHC011: Individual consumption Complete national accounts 2020 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NAHC3: Final consumption of households on the economic territory Complete national accounts 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKHB: Employment and population Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKHC021: Final consumption of households on the economic territory (15 grp) Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKHC1: Consumption Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKHI: Gross capital formation Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKHL4: 5 Rest of the world (ROW) Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKHO2: 1-2.1.1 Production, GDP and generation of income (summary table) Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKHO3: 2.1.2-3.1 Allocation of income and capital formation Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKH1: 0 Goods and services Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table VNKN1: Demand and supply Complete national accounts 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table GARTN1: Production of fruit and vegetables Crop production 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 News Statistics of earnings Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LIGELB1: Level of earnings Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LIGELI1: Gender equality indicator of gender pay gap Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LIGELI2: Gender equality indicator of gender pay gap Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LIGELI3: Gender equality indicator on gender pay gap Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LONS11: Earnings Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LONS20: Earnings Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LONS30: Earnings Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LONS40: Earnings Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LONS50: Earnings Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LONS60: Earnings per hour worked Earnings 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 News National accounts Key figures for the national accounts (GDP) 2 quarter 2024 revised Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKN1: Demand and supply Key figures for the national accounts (GDP) 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKN2: Real gross national disposable income etc. Key figures for the national accounts (GDP) 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKN3: Consumption, disposable income and saving for households and NPISH,seasonal adj. Key figures for the national accounts (GDP) 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKOF1: Real expenditure by general government Key figures for the national accounts (GDP) 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKBB10: Employment (10a3-grouping) National accounts by industry 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKBPDIV: 1-2.1.1 Production and generation of income (10a3-grouping) National accounts by industry 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKBP10: 1-2.1.1 Production and generation of income (10a3-grouping) National accounts by industry 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 News National accounts by sector National accounts by sector 2 quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NAHFK: National accounts National accounts by sector 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NASFK: National accounts National accounts by sector 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKHFK: National accounts National accounts by sector 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKSFK: National accounts National accounts by sector 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKSO1: 1-2.1.1 Production and generation of income (summary table) National accounts by sector 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKSO2: 2.1.2-3.1 Allocation and use of income (summary table) National accounts by sector 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table NKS3: 2.3 + 2.4.2 Adjusted disposable income and actual consumption (supplementary) National accounts by sector 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table VNASFK: Versionstabel NASFK - Nationalregnskabets finansielle konti National accounts by sector 2023 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table VNKSFK: Versionstabel NKSFK - Nationalregnskabets finansielle konti National accounts by sector 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 News Unemployment (monthly) Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AKU111M: Labour force status Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUA01: Insured persons Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUF01: Unemployed persons (provisional) Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUF02: Unemployed persons Unemployed persons February 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUP01: Unemployment in per cent of the labour force (provisional) Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUP02: Unemployed in per cent of the labour force Unemployed persons February 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUP03: Unemployed insured persons (provisional) Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUS05: Social benefit (not prepared for employment) and hollyday allowance Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUS07: Unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUS08: unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table AUS09: Unemployment indicator Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LIGEAI9A: Gender equality indicator of full-time unemployed persons Unemployed persons February 2024 Yes
30‑09‑2024 08:00 Table LIGEAI9B: Gender equality indicator of full-time unemployed persons (seasonally adjusted) Unemployed persons August 2024 Yes
01‑10‑2024 08:00 News Precision farming Farms and agricultural and horticultural labour 2024 Yes
01‑10‑2024 08:00 Table PL1: Farms Farms and agricultural and horticultural labour 2024 Yes
01‑10‑2024 08:00 Table PL2: Farms Farms and agricultural and horticultural labour 2024 Yes
01‑10‑2024 08:00 News Production and turnover of the service sector Indices of service production 2 quarter 2024 Yes
02‑10‑2024 08:00 Table ROR1: Pipeline network Transport of goods by pipeline 2023 Yes
02‑10‑2024 08:00 Table ROR11: Transport in pipelines Transport of goods by pipeline 2023 Yes
02‑10‑2024 08:00 Table ROR2: Investments in the pipeline network Transport of goods by pipeline 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 News Account Statistics for Horticulture Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD1: Profit and loss accounts for all farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD100: Accounts statistics through 100 years Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD2: Profit and loss accounts for full-time farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD3: Profit and loss accounts for part-time farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD4: Family farm income for full-time farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD5: Family farm income for part-time farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD6: Key indicators for all farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD7: Key indicators for all full-time farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD8: Key indicators for part-time farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table JORD9: Energy consumption for full-time farms (average) Agricultural and horticultural economy 2023 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 Table PRIS90: Producer price index for construction of dwellings Indices for the construction sector 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
03‑10‑2024 08:00 News Account Statistics for Organic Farming Production and accounts of organic farming and horticulture 2023 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 News Forced sales of real property Forced sales of real property September 2024 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 Table TVANG1: Announcements of forced sales of real property Forced sales of real property September 2024 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 Table TVANG2: Announcements of forced sales of real property Forced sales of real property 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 Table AULK04: Long-term unemployed persons Unemployed persons May 2024 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 Table AULK07: Long term unemployed insured Unemployed persons May 2024 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 Table AULK08: Long term unemployed insured Unemployed persons May 2024 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 Table AULK09: Unemployment spells Unemployed persons May 2024 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 Table AULK10: Unemployment spells Unemployed persons May 2024 Yes
04‑10‑2024 08:00 Table LIGEAI10: Gender equality indicator of long-term unemployed persons Unemployed persons May 2024 Yes


Delayed releases