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User roles

The relevant employees in a research project must be created as users in Denmark’s Data Portal. You have different options when using Denmark’s Data Portal, depending on which user role your institution assigned to you. Below you can read which rights the different roles have. In Denmark’s Data Portal, you can see your role under ‘My overview’ next to your institution. If a specific role has not been indicated, you are a ‘User’.

There are seven different roles in Denmark’s Data Portal.

  1. Responsible for authorisation
  2. Substitute
  3. Administrator
  4. Contact person with powers
  5. Signatory
  6. Contact person
  7. User

Below you can read which rights the different roles have. You can also read more about how the roles are assigned.

What can the different roles do?

Responsible for authorisation

This role is responsible for the institution’s authorisation under microdata schemes with Statistics Denmark and approves association agreements under the authorisation. The person responsible for authorisation is legally responsible for the users associated with the institution complying with the current guidelines for use of data. This person is the only one who can assign the roles as substitute, administrator and signatory. See how under ’How to assign roles?’ below.


A user who can approve association agreements on behalf of the person responsible for authorisation. It is highly recommended that you appoint one or more substitutes. In the dropdown menu ‘Assigning roles’ below, you can read how to select substitutes in Denmark’s Data Portal. Note that the person responsible for authorisation cannot be his/her own substitute.


It is the institution administrator who must approve and submit all of the institution’s project proposals to Statistics Denmark via Denmark’s Data Portal. The administrator works as an internal approver, whenever a project proposal is to be submitted or resubmitted. The administrator is thus charged with quality assuring the content of the project proposals from the institution, making sure that the proposals meet requirements to form and GDPR. This means that an administrator should be available and is expected to be a regular user of Denmark’s Data Portal.

The administrator must contact Research Services if the institution wishes to have a new user created. An institution must have at least one administrator, and we recommended that you appoint at least two administrators. This is because some tasks in Denmark’s Data Portal can only be carried out by an administrator, and because a given administrator is not allowed to administer him- or herself. It is possible to appoint up to 10 administrators in one institution.

Contact person with power

An institution can choose that a contact person can have powers corresponding to those of an administrator on the projects for which the user is a contact person. If a contact person has powers, the role is delimited to the institutions that the user is associated with. If you - as the person responsible for authorisation - want this solution for a user, you must contact Research Services.


On behalf of the institution, persons with the signatory role can sign to pledge that a project proposal is conforming to Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

When your project proposal has been approved, an employee in Research Services will sign it. After that, the person who submitted the proposal, i.e. the contact person for the project, the administrator or the contact person with powers, as well as the chosen signatory will receive an email with information indicating that the project proposal has been approved and signed. Subsequently, you need to sign the project proposal. Only users who have been assigned the role of signatory can sign project proposals.

The role as signatory is assigned by the person responsible for authorisation or a substitute. Remember that it is a requirement that people with a signatory role are formally employed by the institution where they have the signatory role. There is no limit on the number of signatories.

Contact person

A user with access to a project has the role as contact person for the project. The contact person has the dialogue with Research Services regarding the project proposal. A project can only have one contact person. Administrator can change the project contact person.


This is the basic role for users. The role gives access to information on the entities with which the user is associated, and the user can edit his or her own information. When a user is associated with a project in Denmark’s Data Portal, he or she also gets access to the project data on the researcher machine. Contact an administrator or the person responsible for authorisation, if you want to be created as a user under an authorised institution.

Project owner at Statistics Denmark

When you submit a project to us, we will assign a project owner in Research Services to you with whom you will have direct contact. We do our best to answer your enquiry as soon as possible. See the average response times under Contact Research Services

Who can edit user information in Denmark’s Data Portal?

The individual user can update his or her own user information in Denmark’s Data Portal. This could be relevant, e.g. if a user changes workplace and therefore wants to update his or her email address.
If an association agreement must be terminated, this must either be done by the user him- or herself, the institution administrator, the person responsible for authorisation or a substitute hereof. In our video guides, you can see the respective tasks and responsibilities of a user, an administrator and a person responsible for authorisation in Denmark’s Data Portal.

How to assign roles

The person responsible for authorisation at the institution is the only one who can assign the roles as substitute, administrator and signatory.

To do so, you must as the person responsible for authorisation log into Denmark’s Data Portal and select ‘My overview’. Click the institution where you are responsible for authorisation, and then click the three dots to the right of the institution name. If you want to assign/discontinue the role as administrator, you must click ‘Administration of administrators’. If you want to assign/discontinue the role as substitute, you must click ‘Administration of substitutes’, etc. Now a list appears of all users associated with the institution. Click ’Select’ next to the user you want to make either a substitute, an administrator or a signatory.

The administrators of the institution can create new association agreements for the institution and attach users to projects.

See table of the rights of user roles in Denmark’s Data Portal (pdf, in Danish)