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Hosted server

A hosted server solution gives your institution the possibility of having your own server located at Statistics Denmark. In this way, you have the full server capacity at your disposal and leave the operational service to Statistics Denmark.

Read about prices, terms and requirements to IT equipment for hosted servers (pdf, in Danish)

Which operating system is included?

A hosted server gives you the chance to use operating systems, such as:

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022 (or as arranged, another version) incl. licenses for both Windows Server and RDS CALs, licensed ”per user” or per device.
  • Linux Ubuntu 24.04 Long-Term Support (LTS).
  • Microsoft Windows 11 Enterprise (note that most hardware suppliers do not support this on server models).
  • Virtualisation: Vmware (e.g. vSphere, ESXi, Server, Player Plus) and Microsoft HyperV only for local execution in Statistics Denmark and only by special arrangement.

You will be paying for all costs in connection with acquisition, installation, dismounting, removal, repair, service and error correction of hardware as well as software. Statistics Denmark takes care of the installation of operating system and programmes.

How to get a hosted server

Step 1: Ordering data at Statistics Denmark Research Services

Before you can order a hosted server with Statistics Denmark, you need to make an appointment with Research Services regarding delivery of data to your research project.

Step 2: Operating agreement with Statistics Denmark’s Service Desk

When you have made an agreement with Research Services regarding delivery of data, you must contact Statistics Denmark’s Service Desk for the purpose of drafting an operation agreement. This must be approved by you and Statistics Denmark before the server creation can start. As part of the operation agreement, you and Statistics Denmark each appoint one contact person.

Step 3: Server creation by Statistics Denmark’s Service Desk

When the operation agreement has been approved by you and Statistics Denmark’s Service Desk, the server creation can be initiated.

Statistics Denmark performs installation and mounting of operating system and programmes. However, you will be paying for all costs associated with it, as well as with dismounting, removal, repair, service and error correction of both hardware and software.