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Annual Report 2023

Read about our portfolio of international projects for 2023.

8 March 2024 10:00

The annual report is taking stock of the activities and the outcomes of all our international projects in International Consulting during 2023.

But besides  a run through of our individual projects you can also find an article about the development of the new framework programme for a phase II of the Strategic Sector Cooperation witin the area of statistics. The programme, covering the period from 2024-2027, was designed during 2023 and approved and signed in November by the Danish Minister for Development Cooperation and Global Climate Policy. The programme reflects the priorities of the Danish development policies and the fact that statistical institutions are essential in providing the foundation for evidence-based decisions and democratic dialogue about the development in society - also when it comes to mitigating climate change and to support the green transition. At the moment two of the countries, namely Ghana and Morocco that were part of phase I have transcended into phase II. Vietnam will join phase II in January 2025 together with a fourth country that has yet to be identified.

For many years the socalled Twinning projects financed by the EU has been the backbone of the activities in International Consulting. You can read about this well tested modality in another article in the Annual Report 2023. We are still engaged in two Twinning projects;  one in Bosnia-Herzegovina - the fifth in a row; and one in Jordan - the second time Statistics Denmark is involved in Jordan.

Two other EU-financed projects, which are not twinning projects are also part of our portfolio 2023. PASII - is a Pan African Statistics project where Statistics Denmark is part of a consortium and is leading the part concerning social statistics. The project in the Turkish Cypriot Community  began in November 2022 and will end mid 2024. Both projects are described in more detail in the annual report.

Many thanks to all our partner statistical bureaus, Embassies, NGO’s and other stakeholders that have been involved in our projects during 2023. We look forward to continue the journey. 

You can find the report here in both a web-version and in a printable version.



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