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Advancing Environmental Statistics in Ghana

Ghana Statistical Service (GSS) together with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is working hard on establishing green national accounts

19 August 2024 15:00

The development of robust statistics on environmental goods and services is crucial for understanding the economic contribution of initiatives focused on environmental protection and resource management. These statistics, which form part of the broader system of environmental-economic accounting- often referred to as "green national accounts" - offer valuable insights into the economic activities related to green goods and services. As countries worldwide prioritize sustainability, the ability to measure and report on these areas becomes increasingly important.

In July, Ghana made significant progress in this area. Two experts from Statistics Denmark visited Accra to collaborate with representatives from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Ghana Statistical Services (GSS). Their mission was to develop a strategy for data collection and design effective questionnaires. This visit followed a previous mission that introduced key concepts related to environmental statistics, fostered understanding within the local context, and discussed potential implementation strategies.

During the same week, the Executive Director of Ghana's EPA met with the experts from Statistics Denmark to discuss the implementation of the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) in Ghana. The meeting underscored the critical role of collaboration between the EPA and Ghana Statistical Services (GSS) in advancing sustainable development. Over the coming years, GSS and EPA, with the support of Statistics Denmark, will focus on Water and Waste accounts to drive informed decision-making and promote a more sustainable future for Ghana.

The second mission from Statistics Denmark yielded notable progress. Among the key outcomes was an enhanced understanding of the revised Classification of Environmental Purposes (CEP) among the Ghanaian partners. This classification is essential for accurately categorizing and measuring environmental expenditures. The partners also agreed to combine data collection efforts with the existing Business Survey (IBES 2). This approach is expected to streamline the process and ensure more comprehensive data collection.

A critical aspect of the mission involved discussions on how to structure the questionnaire, which will be a primary tool in gathering the necessary data. These discussions culminated in an agreement on an ambitious action plan, with a target date set for publishing the statistics on green goods and services by the end of January 2026.

This collaboration between Ghana and international experts from Statistics Denmark is part of the  Strategic Sector Cooperation scheme financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The collaboration represents a significant stride toward developing a reliable and comprehensive framework for environmental-economic accounting in the country. As Ghana continues to integrate these practices, the resulting data will be invaluable for shaping policies and strategies that support sustainable development and environmental stewardship.


You can read more about our different projects under the Strategic Sector Cooperation scheme here: 






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