Mapping of administrative data in Ghana
Mapping of administrative data in Ghanaian Ministries, Departments and Agencies
Terms of Reference
You can access a printable version of the ToR here
1. Background and context for the mapping
The Ghana Statistical Services (GSS) and Statistics Denmark have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for a second phase within the framework of Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC) covering the period from 2024-2027.
The main objective is that the GSS is strengthened and better positioned to consistently provide reliable and credible evidence based on administrative data to sensitize decision-makers, implementers, and key actors responsible for the development of society and a just green transition. Likewise, the official statistical institutions should also be positioned to provide citizens and civil society organisations with information that allow them to demand accountability from government.
In the context of statistics production, administrative data is defined as structured information, which are collected and/or produced by other authorities, enterprises etc. for their own administrative purposes, and re-used by the National Statistical Office (NSO) for official statistics. This work should only focus on digitised data, thus not take into account the administrative data that is only stored in paper format and has not been stored in electronic tables, databases, or Excel-sheets.
The administrative data contains unique identifiers on the units covered in the databases, making linking of various data sources possible in the NSO. Administrative data can be described as digital raw-material for the production of statistics that has a strong value proposition – a leap forward in terms of services to the population and cost-effectiveness. In a national context administrative data should be viewed not as a cost to the state, but as a valuable asset. When properly harnessed, these data are important for efficient and consistent statistics production in a country with an unimaginable return in the initial investments.
The use of administrative data sources in the production of statistics allows for the production of quality statistical products that can reliably inform decision-making and policy formulation, especially at the local level. Integration of administrative data sources, which is not usually done by many producers of statistics, provides an opportunity to link data at a micro level. Microdata linking offers myriad of opportunities to discover new information that would assist in developing new statistics and indicators, as well as closing data gaps that currently prevail in the national statistical system.
For GSS to benefit from the existing administrative data in other Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs), it is necessary to map what administrative data already exists and where.
2. Purpose of the activity
GSS and Statistics Denmark would like to contract a consultant to perform a mapping of existing administrative data in the Ghanaian MDAs.
The objective is to get an overview and an assessment of what data exits within the different MDAs.
Preliminary Secondary Data Review has been done with development partners, which has revealed other activities that will map out administrative data in MDAs in Ghana within social protection. This area of administrative data should therefore not be included in the work. Instead the work should focus on: demographic, economic, infrastructure and transportation, environmental and natural resource, education and health administrative data.
3. Content of the activity
The mapping should be based on thorough desk research and meetings with MDAs for triangulation and confirmation of desk research. The mapping should include information about the administrative registers such as:
- The data owner
- The size of the register
- The format of the register (where possible)
- Which variables exist in the register (where possible)
- How often a given register is updated
- Any existing relationship with the Ghana Statistical Service
4. Scope of work and deliverables
The scope of work will include:
- Design of the mapping – content and process
- Desktop research
- Make appointments whenever possible with the MDAs
- Compiling the results in a report
5. Qualifications of the consultant
The submitted bids for the assignment will be evaluated based on the principle of ‘best value for money’.
The consultant should be able to demonstrate knowledge about the Ghanaian public administration and have experience with national statistical institutions, statistics production and/or dissemination of statistics. Knowledge about administrative data and registers will be an advantage.
The consultant will collaborate with a focal point at GSS and the sector adviser at the Royal Danish Embassy.
6. Time schedule
The consultancy should be undertaken in October 2024 and the report should be finalized at the end of November 2024. Deadline for applications is 11th September 2024.
7. The proposal should contain
- How qualifications are met
- Demonstrate experience with similar or comparable assignments
- Description of the process for undertaking the assignment
- Description of deliverables
- A budget
8. Contacts
- Questions regarding content:, Mr. Omar Seidu, Demographic Statistics & SDGs Coordinator Demographic & Social Statistics, Ghana Statistical Services. - Send application to:, Ms. Amalie Skovengaard, Head of Section, Project Manager, Statistics Denmark.