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Scheduled Releases

Postponed releases

  • The following Statbank Denmark tables regarding Farms and agricultural and horticultural labour scheduled for release 04-06-2024 have been postponed until 02-09-2024: BDF307, BDF6, BDF7, BDF807, BDF907

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44 results
Date Time Type Title Subsubject Period Confirmed
23‑07‑2024 08:00 News Consumer expectations Consumer expectations July 2024 Yes
23‑07‑2024 08:00 Table FORV1: Consumer confidence indicator Consumer expectations July 2024 Yes
23‑07‑2024 08:00 Table FORV2: Plans for major investments Consumer expectations 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table AED13: Home care, first-time referred recipients who use private contractor Social services for senior citizens 2023 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBD1: Trends in Retrail Trade Tendency survey for retail trade July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBD1K: Trends in Retail Trade, balances (seasonally adjusted) Tendency survey for retail trade July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBD2: Assessment of stock in Retail Trade Tendency survey for retail trade July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBD2K: Assessment of stock in Retail Trade, balance (sasonally- and break adjusted) Tendency survey for retail trade July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBD3: Confidence Indicator for Retail Trade Tendency survey for retail trade July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBD3K: Confidence indicator for Retail Trade (break adjusted) Tendency survey for retail trade July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBYG11: Trends in Construction Tendency survey for the construction industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBYG11K: Trends in Construction, balances (seasonally adjusted) Tendency survey for the construction industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBYG22: Orderbook-levels in Construction Tendency survey for the construction industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBYG22K: Orderbook-levels in Construction, balances (seasonally- and break adjusted) Tendency survey for the construction industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBYG33: Production limitations in Construction Tendency survey for the construction industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBYG44: Confidence indicator for Construction Tendency survey for the construction industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBYG44K: Confidence indicator for Construction (break adjusted) Tendency survey for the construction industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBYG66: Duration of work, in number of months, ensured by current order-book Tendency survey for the construction industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 News Tendency survey, professions Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO1: Trends in industry, quarterly Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO1K: Trends in industry, balances, quarterly (seasonally adjusted) Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO2: Assessments in industry, quarterly Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO2K: Assessments in Industry, balances,quarterly (seasonally- and break adjusted) Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO3: Production limitations in industry Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO4: Capacity utilisation in industry Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO6: Trends in industry, monthly Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO6K: Trends in industry, balances, monthly (seasonally adjusted) Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO7: Assessments in Industry, monthly Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO7K: Assessments in Industry, balances, monthly (seasonally- and break adjusted) Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO8: Confidence indicator for the Industry Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO8K: Confidence indicator for the Industry (break adjusted) Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table BARO9: Duration of production, in number of months, ensured by current order-book Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry 3rd Quarter 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table TILLID: Sentiment indicators for businesses Tendency survey for the manufacturing industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBS1: Trends in Services Tendency survey for the service industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBS1K: Trends in Services, balances Tendency survey for the service industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBS2: Production limitations in Services Tendency survey for the service industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBS3: Capacity utilisation (end of preceding month) Tendency survey for the service industry July 2024 Yes
24‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KBS4: Confidence indicator for Services Tendency survey for the service industry July 2024 Yes
25‑07‑2024 08:00 Table KVAEG5: Number of cattle Farms with livestock 2nd Quarter 2024 Yes
25‑07‑2024 08:00 News Sports (supplement) Participation in sports 2023 Yes
26‑07‑2024 08:00 Table MPK13: Share index Interest rates and fees June 2024 Yes
26‑07‑2024 08:00 News Index of retail sales Retail trade index June 2024 Yes
26‑07‑2024 08:00 Table DETA211: Retail Trade Index Retail trade index May 2024 Yes
26‑07‑2024 08:00 Table DETA212: Retail Trade Index Retail trade index June 2024 Yes


Delayed releases