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Indices of Service Production

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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
Lina Pedersen
+45 39 17 36 75

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Indices of Service Production 2024

These statistics shows the cyclical development in the volume output for service industries. The statistics are compiled based on turnover indices from the statistic Purchases and Sales by Enterprises and on price indices from Producer Price Index for Services (SPPI) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

Statistical presentation

These statistics consist of a number of monthly volume indices, where indices on turnover are divided by indices on prices. The indices are divided by service industries that follows the definitions in NACE rev. 2. The indices are disseminated both with and without seasonal adjustment.

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Statistical processing

Indices of Serviceproduction are a divisions based on Purchases and Sales by Enterprises and on price indices from Producer Price Index for Services (SPPI) and the Consumer Price Index (CPI).

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The statistics are ordered by Eurostat.

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Accuracy and reliability

Revisions on the indices can occur three and a half years back in time, but usually major revisions occur in later periods. The reliability of the statistics increases updates on indices from Purchases and Sales by Firms, Producer Price Index for Services and Consumer Price Index. There are no calculations on uncertainty.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The indices are published t + 3M, where t is the reference period.

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These statistics have been compiled since 2018 with comparable figures from 2009 and onwards. These statistics are compiled according to common European guidelines and are therefore comparable with statistics from other countries published by Eurostat.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published in the StatBank under Indices of Service Production.

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