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Cash Benefits

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Labour and Income, Social Statistics
Carsten Nielsen
+45 23 74 60 17

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Cash Benefits 2023

The purpose of the statistics Cash Benefits is to measure the number of recipients (actual figures and seasonally adjusted), whole year persons and the amounts paid to person’s who receive cash benefits and related benefits. The statistics are used to public planning, budgeting in the municipalities, education, research and public debate. These statistics have been compiled since 1983, but is in its current form comparable from 2007 and onwards.

Statistical presentation

Cash Benefits statistics are a monthly and yearly measurement of receivers of cash benefits and related benefits stated in number of recipients (actual figures and seasonally adjusted), whole year persons and the amounts paid in 1.000 DKK. The statistics cover persons who are above the age of 16 years old. Furthermore we have a yearly statistics grouped by ancestry, family type and national origin.

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Statistical processing

Administrative data for these statistics are collected monthly from KY. The level and the development of the statistics are compared with the previous three months for every account code according to the authorized account plan. The collected data is processed according to the definition of affected persons. The definition can be found in section 2.04 Statistical concepts and definitions.

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These statistics are relevant for ministries, municipalities, organizations, education institutions, research institutions, the media and private persons, for analysis, public and private planning etc. The statistical data are also used in other areas within Statistics Denmark, e.g. analysis, production and validation of the statistics People receiving public benefits.

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Accuracy and reliability

The statistics are based on records from KY. The records are based on an authorized account plan made by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Interior. The municipalities have an economic incentive to make valid registrations. Therefore, the overall accuracy is at a high level.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistic is published quarterly and yearly. The quarterly statistics are published 70 days after the end of the reference period while the yearly statistics are published 5-6 months after the reference period. Publications are released on time, as stated in the release calendar.

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These statistics have been compiled since 1983 but is in its present form comparable from 2007 and onwards.

Comparability over time can be divided in to three periods:

  • 1983 Quarter 2 - 1993 Quarter 4 - Number of families.
  • 1994 Quarter 1 - 2006 Quarter 4 - Number of persons.
  • 2007 Quarter 1 - present - Number of persons. New source and counting.

It is not possible directly to compare the statistics internationally, as other countries do not have the corresponding benefits and rules.

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Accessibility and clarity

These statistics are published quarterly in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. The yearly statistics are only published in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject Living conditions. For further information, go to the subject page.

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