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Index of Production in Construction

The purpose of Index for Production in Construction (IPC) is to illustrate the business trends in the sector. These statistics have been compiled since autumn 2014, but is in its current form comparable from January 2000 and onwards.

Statistical presentation

IPC is a monthly measurement of the business trends in the sector stated in index. It is compiled on a national level

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Statistical processing

These statistics are based on hours worked in the construction sector from the Working Time Accounts (WTA).

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The Index for Production in Construction illustrate the actual business conditions, which can be used to get a overview over the business trends in the sector.

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Accuracy and reliability

The margins of statistical uncertainty associated with the IPC are related to the statistical uncertainty of WTA.

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Timeliness and punctuality

Data is transmitted to Eurostat and published i Statbank within one and a half month after the reference month.

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Eurostat makes international comparisons. The statistics have figures that can be compared from 2000.

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Accessibility and clarity

The statistics are published in the StatBank under Index of production in construction (IPC). For further information go to the subject page.

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