dk.dst ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73 30 CodeList urn:ddi:dk.dst:ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73:30 dk.dst ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73 30 extension:type cm:StatisticalClassification cm:ReleaseDate {"Precision":1,"DateTime":null,"DateOnly":"2011-01-01T00:00:00","Year":null,"Month":null,"HasValue":true,"StringValue":"2011-01-01"} cm:TerminationDate {"Precision":1,"DateTime":null,"DateOnly":null,"Year":null,"Month":null,"HasValue":false,"StringValue":""} cm:MaintenanceUnit {"da":"Offentlige finanser","en":"Government finances"} cm:ContactPerson {"da":"LOM","en":"LOM"} cm:IsCurrent True DSTLM01\rkr ICHA_HC_V1_2011 ICHA_HC_V1_2011 Sundhedsfunktion (SHA), v1:2011 Health care function (SHA), v1:2011 Klassifikationen af sundhedsfunktioner fokuserer på grupperingen af sundhedsgoder og tjenester, som forbruges med et veldefineret sundhedsformål. Klassifikationen består af alle aktiviteter med det primære formål, at forbedre, opretholde og forebygge forringelse af helbred samt mindske konsekvenserne ved sygdom gennem brug af kvalificeret sundhedsfaglig viden. Det primære formål opnås igennem følgende grupper af sundhedsaktiviteter: sundhedsfremme og forebyggelse; diagnose, behandling samt rehabilitering, pleje af personer med kroniske sygdomme eller handicap, palliativ behandling, sundhedsprogrammer, ledelse og administration af sundhedssystemet. Klassifikationen er den danske implementering af *International Classification for Health Accounts (ICHA)* og følger *Classification of Health Care Providers (ICHA-HC)* i manualen [A System of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011 Revised Edition]( The functional classification of health care functions focuses on the grouping of health care goods and services consumed with a defined health purpose. The classification contains all activities with the primary purpose of improving, maintaining and preventing the deterioration of the health status of persons and mitigating the consequences of ill health through the application of qualified health knowledge. The primary purpose is pursued by the following groups of health care activities: health promotion and prevention; diagnosis, treatment, cure and rehabilitation of illness; caring for persons affected by chronic illness; caring for persons with health-related impairment and disability; palliative care; providing community health programmes; governance and administration of the health system. This classification is the Danish implementation of the *International Classification for Health Accounts (ICHA)* and follows the *Classification of Health Care Providers (ICHA-HC)* in the manual [A System of Health Accounts (SHA) 2011 Revised Edition]( ICHA_HC_1 ICHA_HC_1 The first-level categories of the functional classification aim to distribute health consumption according to the type of need of the consumer (e.g. cure, care, prevention, etc.). Nominal ICHA_HC_2 ICHA_HC_2 The categories relating to cure, rehabilitation and long-term care (HC.1-HC.3) are broken down at the second level of classification by a mode-of-provision (MoP) approach, which is based on the specific organisational and technological arrangements of the services consumed. There is no unique block of goods and services to be consumed under each MoP. Each can correspond to a single product or a group of health care goods and services used to cope with an individual’s health condition. The services consumed by type of MoP also vary according to the characteristics of the health care system and to the preferences of both the consumer and those prescribing treatment. Two categories group this direct consumption: ancillary services (HC.4) and medical goods (HC.5). For “ancillary services”, there is a second-level breakdown into laboratory services, imaging services, and patient transportation and emergency rescue. “Medical goods” are split into pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durable goods, and therapeutic appliances and other medical durables. Pharmaceuticals are then sub-divided into prescribed and over-the-counter (OTC), with a separate subclass for other nondurable goods, while therapeutic appliances are separated into four main goods categories. Nominal urn:ddi:dk.dst:058a4aec-86de-4194-8b15-389403917cdf:30 dk.dst 058a4aec-86de-4194-8b15-389403917cdf 30 dk.dst 7194d037-6749-46c6-ab7d-9a97eec216ea 5 Category HC.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:d91bc1cb-e603-4e0e-8576-6cfcd001ea06:30 dk.dst d91bc1cb-e603-4e0e-8576-6cfcd001ea06 30 dk.dst eca319f9-8824-4f4b-9a5f-c8b9199710ef 3 Category HC.1.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:a124ee58-f590-49ce-b165-e2a4a2c0e16d:30 dk.dst a124ee58-f590-49ce-b165-e2a4a2c0e16d 30 dk.dst cfa02af3-4ad8-43e3-b951-8ff15ececc7c 4 Category HC.1.1.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:f65d3b93-d5b6-4476-98d1-a6daf03bbd37:30 dk.dst f65d3b93-d5b6-4476-98d1-a6daf03bbd37 30 dk.dst cfddc29b-6f12-442a-8c10-1d0dc1ccb021 3 Category HC.1.1.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:bbee692d-c0bd-4aea-95db-aea9efa4418a:30 dk.dst bbee692d-c0bd-4aea-95db-aea9efa4418a 30 dk.dst 94041bff-0b1e-4ece-ae48-bce337df27fe 3 Category HC.1.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:adc1935f-adf0-4588-b59d-03630b6b61ce:30 dk.dst adc1935f-adf0-4588-b59d-03630b6b61ce 30 dk.dst 8d5a5655-c20c-4b0d-98d5-75c5926ac13b 4 Category HC.1.2.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:9e8dce12-f2c9-4e9b-8ca6-ca49e39bfa72:30 dk.dst 9e8dce12-f2c9-4e9b-8ca6-ca49e39bfa72 30 dk.dst a6f09525-43ee-4d22-a4a0-fba05097b7f5 3 Category HC.1.2.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:e003bbf4-4927-4452-b572-959cb0dfc5e9:30 dk.dst e003bbf4-4927-4452-b572-959cb0dfc5e9 30 dk.dst f900dcdd-f56b-4676-8e65-3b35fdda0585 3 Category HC.1.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:c37b4ce7-22c1-4410-93d2-3a6dfa27746f:30 dk.dst c37b4ce7-22c1-4410-93d2-3a6dfa27746f 30 dk.dst fbabd7b8-da67-4224-a44c-b84853c57119 4 Category HC.1.3.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:88e96486-ad26-4af0-95e9-6293ce2eb6ad:30 dk.dst 88e96486-ad26-4af0-95e9-6293ce2eb6ad 30 dk.dst aa05c9ed-937a-4d53-a846-360afa3415bb 3 Category HC.1.3.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:9c0fc76c-c0ea-4f47-9bdf-4e1118663f31:30 dk.dst 9c0fc76c-c0ea-4f47-9bdf-4e1118663f31 30 dk.dst 7f90d877-6671-4286-ab3c-b24e715dd58b 3 Category HC.1.3.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:329a012b-83e8-4a8d-834b-0d30b987a577:30 dk.dst 329a012b-83e8-4a8d-834b-0d30b987a577 30 dk.dst 5e2971dd-8a4a-4306-9393-37f94f604881 3 Category HC.1.3.9 urn:ddi:dk.dst:1a90de15-6999-4652-a115-0497c0fb2ae6:30 dk.dst 1a90de15-6999-4652-a115-0497c0fb2ae6 30 dk.dst 0fe74791-e449-49b1-bbcd-d17a624e4531 3 Category HC.1.4 urn:ddi:dk.dst:823cbb7c-9e91-4a46-93d9-78779f3f781f:30 dk.dst 823cbb7c-9e91-4a46-93d9-78779f3f781f 30 dk.dst 09173e66-29c4-4015-bf98-03990d3c315d 3 Category HC.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:6cfe4ae3-9745-4868-aa34-9bc78f426530:30 dk.dst 6cfe4ae3-9745-4868-aa34-9bc78f426530 30 dk.dst 1524b55c-35d6-414c-b993-fdc39ae51fd4 3 Category HC.2.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:9183ef38-9c54-4a1c-8327-e7ab0e58692d:30 dk.dst 9183ef38-9c54-4a1c-8327-e7ab0e58692d 30 dk.dst 7cf3e56a-8f9a-4ebf-919b-fd0a1c74afd7 3 Category HC.2.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:3e14a764-2ff6-468c-bd97-91893eb72d09:30 dk.dst 3e14a764-2ff6-468c-bd97-91893eb72d09 30 dk.dst 7df1643f-dc52-411c-88f8-ea2d31bd3233 3 Category HC.2.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:34e07dd2-94eb-48b3-bd1f-c45be7907f7f:30 dk.dst 34e07dd2-94eb-48b3-bd1f-c45be7907f7f 30 dk.dst 90544d35-29f1-4578-bba6-0abc0bef3287 3 Category HC.2.4 urn:ddi:dk.dst:3c92a6f1-7346-44f3-acc6-b9321599ce77:30 dk.dst 3c92a6f1-7346-44f3-acc6-b9321599ce77 30 dk.dst 0e0b590b-299d-402a-afb3-27bd096429a7 3 Category HC.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:7ff95dc5-749e-4b39-bc7e-c43e59601416:30 dk.dst 7ff95dc5-749e-4b39-bc7e-c43e59601416 30 dk.dst 8b3c19aa-450c-4b6d-bb79-813df71b4391 3 Category HC.3.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:cb5b79e2-4bfe-4db2-92b7-fd1c85b1919f:30 dk.dst cb5b79e2-4bfe-4db2-92b7-fd1c85b1919f 30 dk.dst 26e9f373-6193-481c-b6e6-1dd60eecc023 4 Category HC.3.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:ae86dfc4-9ef1-4a92-8aba-b909813353fb:30 dk.dst ae86dfc4-9ef1-4a92-8aba-b909813353fb 30 dk.dst 5b0fb84f-0d12-4836-971c-6938be7fa943 3 Category HC.3.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:e21e25d0-c65b-49bd-96c3-ed84ede1673a:30 dk.dst e21e25d0-c65b-49bd-96c3-ed84ede1673a 30 dk.dst 3cdbed91-8b71-425d-ac70-aba62bd377a3 3 Category HC.3.4 urn:ddi:dk.dst:944c5709-4ef0-4d54-9c9c-3f48e6042b51:30 dk.dst 944c5709-4ef0-4d54-9c9c-3f48e6042b51 30 dk.dst c02545b3-4d3b-4897-ad0f-3d52e2bb3eb1 3 Category HC.4 urn:ddi:dk.dst:3af72522-0f6b-46b6-8b49-b7268c8df4f3:30 dk.dst 3af72522-0f6b-46b6-8b49-b7268c8df4f3 30 dk.dst 67107d13-0fb8-4d45-875d-5f031468b880 3 Category HC.4.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:64061b99-7c74-4074-985c-866bb42418b9:30 dk.dst 64061b99-7c74-4074-985c-866bb42418b9 30 dk.dst 7cd6ce75-386e-4d7b-8a5e-73b04d0c1a9e 3 Category HC.4.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:c45ef025-00e4-4958-abd4-defaec2454a3:30 dk.dst c45ef025-00e4-4958-abd4-defaec2454a3 30 dk.dst 4f1e4956-f1a6-49c9-8b7b-a14a5b69b0f9 3 Category HC.4.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:dc44d5e5-58a1-46d3-9368-5503b8faa97f:30 dk.dst dc44d5e5-58a1-46d3-9368-5503b8faa97f 30 dk.dst e5967326-124a-4d30-8dc8-e66016abd87e 3 Category HC.5 urn:ddi:dk.dst:ad914e87-585c-40cd-b5ee-a29068ada3d5:30 dk.dst ad914e87-585c-40cd-b5ee-a29068ada3d5 30 dk.dst a6379fbc-b93d-43a0-a788-1e597768ff8b 3 Category HC.5.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:1142b4c1-4575-41d8-90b3-103168341983:30 dk.dst 1142b4c1-4575-41d8-90b3-103168341983 30 dk.dst 97952350-b145-4c1b-9720-afd61082cd95 3 Category HC 5.1.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:b12b3fcd-8c31-4a7a-9b60-d7e2cc473c21:30 dk.dst b12b3fcd-8c31-4a7a-9b60-d7e2cc473c21 30 dk.dst f0c407b2-b710-41d5-b50f-1a11217d51a2 3 Category HC 5.1.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:4fb1de78-5ca9-4920-ad84-bedae8394ae7:30 dk.dst 4fb1de78-5ca9-4920-ad84-bedae8394ae7 30 dk.dst 85da4da1-f978-4a99-b550-166467940b49 3 Category HC 5.1.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:a1cf9a63-5ffa-4394-b0a8-6cbb35363ae6:30 dk.dst a1cf9a63-5ffa-4394-b0a8-6cbb35363ae6 30 dk.dst b67192b0-8f62-4ce9-8b43-ee470ef31d72 3 Category HC.5.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:e68c14e4-dc41-43fc-9aa1-c4a40f67af27:30 dk.dst e68c14e4-dc41-43fc-9aa1-c4a40f67af27 30 dk.dst b290e1de-59db-47b5-96c4-a29dc8782b3b 3 Category HC.5.2.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:27cc6a3f-6f8a-4b12-a1dc-fd8271813caa:30 dk.dst 27cc6a3f-6f8a-4b12-a1dc-fd8271813caa 30 dk.dst 6b005e4d-4b86-4af7-816a-d79f47ca0617 3 Category HC.5.2.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:6abdffa5-ab1f-456c-b7d4-b81844deb23c:30 dk.dst 6abdffa5-ab1f-456c-b7d4-b81844deb23c 30 dk.dst 1a2f45ac-d3f8-4742-93ab-554870e72e15 3 Category HC.5.2.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:b2594535-3f05-49fd-aee3-c332aad1b9b7:30 dk.dst b2594535-3f05-49fd-aee3-c332aad1b9b7 30 dk.dst d20e7ef4-43ec-4692-991d-0ac6eb3090cf 3 Category HC.5.2.9 urn:ddi:dk.dst:9157a7d2-f74b-4669-bbac-7f74db65fc3d:30 dk.dst 9157a7d2-f74b-4669-bbac-7f74db65fc3d 30 dk.dst ad523301-632b-4918-ad76-200250d13533 3 Category HC.6 urn:ddi:dk.dst:887e1fb3-342e-4d3f-b471-80d368518895:30 dk.dst 887e1fb3-342e-4d3f-b471-80d368518895 30 dk.dst fce7fe67-ee84-4eca-a2fc-37f95cb164a3 3 Category HC.6.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:9c66682b-134a-45ff-a6e0-2685ed9c16ed:30 dk.dst 9c66682b-134a-45ff-a6e0-2685ed9c16ed 30 dk.dst c3b93d58-9abf-4345-a480-3afdc964c859 3 Category HC.6.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:10cbfc71-848a-406e-bd76-6ab2ee358b9d:30 dk.dst 10cbfc71-848a-406e-bd76-6ab2ee358b9d 30 dk.dst 75da9791-fd44-4b85-8345-fd40baf78954 3 Category HC.6.3 urn:ddi:dk.dst:c681328e-c244-4982-9948-daf706380c95:30 dk.dst c681328e-c244-4982-9948-daf706380c95 30 dk.dst 03bf4b91-169f-43be-8cdb-3422c72bc6c1 3 Category HC.6.4 urn:ddi:dk.dst:d371d0ac-bcaa-46a7-a250-28551cd31a6e:30 dk.dst d371d0ac-bcaa-46a7-a250-28551cd31a6e 30 dk.dst 0563459f-2167-4a72-885b-3bdff5827607 4 Category HC.6.5 urn:ddi:dk.dst:ea3e4706-af8b-4b8f-bd34-516916707408:30 dk.dst ea3e4706-af8b-4b8f-bd34-516916707408 30 dk.dst d36b0912-a3db-4841-95ba-0a05c0341043 3 Category HC.6.6 urn:ddi:dk.dst:e16fe0b2-b0f2-47f1-9504-1a6213b70e4b:30 dk.dst e16fe0b2-b0f2-47f1-9504-1a6213b70e4b 30 dk.dst 63cc7766-f22a-4fd4-ad5b-17026445d1b4 3 Category HC.7 urn:ddi:dk.dst:7d2a15c4-9df6-47a1-a5ba-3672e6bb8b20:30 dk.dst 7d2a15c4-9df6-47a1-a5ba-3672e6bb8b20 30 dk.dst f664c893-e271-4ff6-9a91-d7c8cde874fe 4 Category HC.7.1 urn:ddi:dk.dst:92c92ff5-ffab-4225-991f-012d88976bf3:30 dk.dst 92c92ff5-ffab-4225-991f-012d88976bf3 30 dk.dst 945f437e-d0e3-4380-a9aa-8ca420c3f712 4 Category HC.7.2 urn:ddi:dk.dst:b4553482-3769-46b0-b23d-38d59b562f71:30 dk.dst b4553482-3769-46b0-b23d-38d59b562f71 30 dk.dst efaccf25-b860-4761-8c77-f0e571633a3c 3 Category HC.9 urn:ddi:dk.dst:bc8380e5-789e-4ab9-93a2-03289ee2fd43:30 dk.dst bc8380e5-789e-4ab9-93a2-03289ee2fd43 30 csv_da ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73csv_da ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73csv_da urn:ddi:dk.dst:3f7bc7ee-4f7d-4988-9d93-f1c6e590db64:30 dk.dst 3f7bc7ee-4f7d-4988-9d93-f1c6e590db64 30 ddi_da ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73ddi_da ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73ddi_da urn:ddi:dk.dst:b8f80720-961f-4223-bac2-10a602c9e8f1:30 dk.dst b8f80720-961f-4223-bac2-10a602c9e8f1 30 csv_en ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73csv_en ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73csv_en urn:ddi:dk.dst:cf498976-acb1-4677-995c-4bedc2050434:30 dk.dst cf498976-acb1-4677-995c-4bedc2050434 30 ddi_en ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73ddi_en ddccb7bc-cc9e-407d-9eb6-04c3d1a97e73ddi_en urn:ddi:dk.dst:60dc52f9-9dca-4ecf-86e1-449cb9c31de6:30 dk.dst 60dc52f9-9dca-4ecf-86e1-449cb9c31de6 30 urn:ddi:dk.dst:984e5455-93cc-4fca-b2b9-a4ab925ef8ea:30 dk.dst 984e5455-93cc-4fca-b2b9-a4ab925ef8ea 30 urn:ddi:dk.dst:64b36d0e-2bf5-4923-84d7-d8c23b140098:30 dk.dst 64b36d0e-2bf5-4923-84d7-d8c23b140098 30 urn:ddi:dk.dst:e5d9b4a2-ce2f-47cb-9d6a-735526bcd4fb:30 dk.dst e5d9b4a2-ce2f-47cb-9d6a-735526bcd4fb 30 urn:ddi:dk.dst:7194d037-6749-46c6-ab7d-9a97eec216ea:5 dk.dst 7194d037-6749-46c6-ab7d-9a97eec216ea 5 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Behandling Curative care Behandling Curative care Sundhedsydelser som forsøger at lindre symptomer eller begrænse sygdommens eller skadens alvor og beskytte mod en forværring eller komplikation af sygdommen, der kan vise sig livstruende eller skade en normal funktion. Der skelnes mellem stationær behandling, dvs. behandling under indlæggelse med overnatning, ambulant behandling og behandling i hjemmet. Comprises health care contacts during which the principal intent is to relieve symptoms of illness or injury, to reduce the severity of an illness or injury, or to protect against exacerbation and/or complication of an illness and/or injury that could threaten life or normal function. urn:ddi:dk.dst:eca319f9-8824-4f4b-9a5f-c8b9199710ef:3 dk.dst eca319f9-8824-4f4b-9a5f-c8b9199710ef 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Behandling under indlæggelse Inpatient curative care Behandling under indlæggelse Inpatient curative care Behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted under indlæggelse med overnatning. Sundhedsydelser som forsøger at lindre symptomer eller begrænse sygdommens eller skadens alvor og beskytte mod en forværring eller komplikation af sygdommen, der kan vise sig livstruende eller skade en normal funktion. Comprises of a formal admission into a health care facility for treatment and/or care that is expected to constitute an overnight stay. The principal intent of curative care is to relieve symptoms of illness or injury, to reduce the severity of an illness or injury, or to protect against exacerbation and/or complication of an illness and/or injury that could threaten life or normal function. urn:ddi:dk.dst:cfa02af3-4ad8-43e3-b951-8ff15ececc7c:4 dk.dst cfa02af3-4ad8-43e3-b951-8ff15ececc7c 4 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Almen behandling under indlæggelse General inpatient curative care Almen behandling under indlæggelse General inpatient curative care Omfatter almen behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted under indlæggelse med overnatning. Almen behandling er ofte indgangen til sundhedsvæsenet før der henvises til en speciallæge, hvis der konstateres en mere kompleks helbredstilstand. Almene sundhedsydelser omfatter komponenterne i den primære kontakt til sundhedsvæsenet såsom rutineundersøgelser, medicinske vurderinger, ordination af lægemidler, patientrådgivning, injektioner og vaccinationer samt tilsyn, kontrol og behandling af ikke-komplicerede tilfælde af smitsomme og ikke-smitsomme almindelige pædiatriske sygdomme og ukomplicerede tilfælde af akutte og kroniske sygdomme. Comprises of a formal admission into a health care facility for treatment and/or care that is expected to constitute an overnight stay with general curative care. General care is often the entry point to the health care system, before referral is made to a specialist when a more complex health condition is found. General care involves the components of the contact for care, such as routine examinations, medical assessments, prescription of pharmaceuticals, routine counselling of patients, dietary regime, injections and vaccination (unless covered under preventive programmes) of all patients. urn:ddi:dk.dst:cfddc29b-6f12-442a-8c10-1d0dc1ccb021:3 dk.dst cfddc29b-6f12-442a-8c10-1d0dc1ccb021 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Specialiseret behandling under indlæggelse Specialised inpatient curative care Specialiseret behandling under indlæggelse Specialised inpatient curative care Omfatter specialiserede behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted under indlæggelse med overnatning. Specialiseret behandling omfatter sundhedsydelser forbundet med et højt teknologiniveau til behandling af mindre hyppige og mere komplekse sundhedstilstande. Specialiserede sundhedsydelser er knyttet til komplicerede sundhedstilstande, som har behov for højteknologisk og kompliceret diagnosticering, behandling og kontrol. De udføres ofte af aktører, som er dedikeret til en bestemt tilstand, sygdom eller gruppe af patienter. Comprises of a formal admission into a health care facility for treatment and/or care that is expected to constitute an overnight stay with specialised curative care. These services relate to curative care involving a higher level of technology, which are expected to be consumed by selected cases of less frequent and more complex health care needs. These services are linked to a deep but narrower set of conditions that require a high technology service, involving more complex diagnostic and treatment procedures. They are frequently performed by providers devoted to a particular condition, disease or class of patients. urn:ddi:dk.dst:94041bff-0b1e-4ece-ae48-bce337df27fe:3 dk.dst 94041bff-0b1e-4ece-ae48-bce337df27fe 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Dagbehandling under indlæggelse Day curative care Dagbehandling under indlæggelse Day curative care Behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted under indlæggelse uden overnatning (dagindlæggelse). Sundhedsydelser som forsøger at lindre symptomer eller begrænse sygdommens eller skadens alvor og beskytte mod en forværring eller komplikation af sygdommen, der kan vise sig livstruende eller skade en normal funktion. Comprises of planned medical and paramedical services delivered to patients who have been formally admitted for diagnosis, treatment or other types of health care but with the intention to discharge the patient on the same day. The principal intent of curative care is to relieve symptoms of illness or injury, to reduce the severity of an illness or injury, or to protect against exacerbation and/or complication of an illness and/or injury that could threaten life or normal function. urn:ddi:dk.dst:8d5a5655-c20c-4b0d-98d5-75c5926ac13b:4 dk.dst 8d5a5655-c20c-4b0d-98d5-75c5926ac13b 4 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Almen dagbehandling under indlæggelse General day curative care Almen dagbehandling under indlæggelse General day curative care Omfatter almen behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted under indlæggelse uden overnatning (dagindlæggelse). Almen behandling er ofte indgangen til sundhedsvæsenet før der henvises til en speciallæge, hvis der konstateres en mere kompleks helbredstilstand. Almene sundhedsydelser omfatter komponenterne i den primære kontakt til sundhedsvæsenet såsom rutineundersøgelser, medicinske vurderinger, ordination af lægemidler, patientrådgivning, injektioner og vaccinationer samt tilsyn, kontrol og behandling af ikke-komplicerede tilfælde af smitsomme og ikke-smitsomme almindelige pædiatriske sygdomme og ukomplicerede tilfælde af akutte og kroniske sygdomme. Comprises of planned medical and paramedical services delivered to patients who have been formally admitted for diagnosis, treatment or other types of health care but with the intention to discharge the patient on the same day with general curative care. General care is often the entry point to the health care system, before referral is made to a specialist when a more complex health condition is found. General care involves the components of the contact for care, such as routine examinations, medical assessments, prescription of pharmaceuticals, routine counselling of patients, dietary regime, injections and vaccination (unless covered under preventive programmes) of all patients. urn:ddi:dk.dst:a6f09525-43ee-4d22-a4a0-fba05097b7f5:3 dk.dst a6f09525-43ee-4d22-a4a0-fba05097b7f5 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Specialiseret dagbehandling under indlæggelse Specialised day curative care Specialiseret dagbehandling under indlæggelse Specialised day curative care Omfatter specialiserede behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted under indlæggelse uden overnatning (dagindlæggelse). Specialiseret behandling omfatter sundhedsydelser forbundet med et højt teknologiniveau til behandling af mindre hyppige og mere komplekse sundhedstilstande. Specialiserede sundhedsydelser er knyttet til komplicerede sundhedstilstande, som har behov for højteknologisk og kompliceret diagnosticering, behandling og kontrol. De udføres ofte af aktører, som er dedikeret til en bestemt tilstand, sygdom eller gruppe af patienter. Comprises of planned medical and paramedical services delivered to patients who have been formally admitted for diagnosis, treatment or other types of health care but with the intention to discharge the patient on the same day with specialised curative care. These services are linked to a deep but narrower set of conditions that require a high technology service, involving more complex diagnostic and treatment procedures. They are frequently performed by providers devoted to a particular condition, disease or class of patients. urn:ddi:dk.dst:f900dcdd-f56b-4676-8e65-3b35fdda0585:3 dk.dst f900dcdd-f56b-4676-8e65-3b35fdda0585 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Ambulant behandling Outpatient curative care Ambulant behandling Outpatient curative care Behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted ambulant. Sundhedsydelser som forsøger at lindre symptomer eller begrænse sygdommens eller skadens alvor og beskytte mod en forværring eller komplikation af sygdommen, der kan vise sig livstruende eller skade en normal funktion. Comprises medical and paramedical services delivered to a patient who is not formally admitted to a facility and does not stay overnight. The principal intent of curative care is to relieve symptoms of illness or injury, to reduce the severity of an illness or injury, or to protect against exacerbation and/or complication of an illness and/or injury that could threaten life or normal function. urn:ddi:dk.dst:fbabd7b8-da67-4224-a44c-b84853c57119:4 dk.dst fbabd7b8-da67-4224-a44c-b84853c57119 4 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Almen ambulant behandling General outpatient curative care Almen ambulant behandling General outpatient curative care Omfatter almen behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted ambulant. Almen behandling er ofte indgangen til sundhedsvæsenet før der henvises til en speciallæge, hvis der konstateres en mere kompleks helbredstilstand. Almene sundhedsydelser omfatter komponenterne i den primære kontakt til sundhedsvæsenet såsom rutineundersøgelser, medicinske vurderinger, ordination af lægemidler, patientrådgivning, injektioner og vaccinationer samt tilsyn, kontrol og behandling af ikke-komplicerede tilfælde af smitsomme og ikke-smitsomme almindelige pædiatriske sygdomme og ukomplicerede tilfælde af akutte og kroniske sygdomme. Comprises medical and paramedical services delivered to a patient who is not formally admitted to a facility and does not stay overnight with general curative care. General care is often the entry point to the health care system, before referral is made to a specialist when a more complex health condition is found. General care involves the components of the contact for care, such as routine examinations, medical assessments, prescription of pharmaceuticals, routine counselling of patients, dietary regime, injections and vaccination (unless covered under preventive programmes) of all patients. urn:ddi:dk.dst:aa05c9ed-937a-4d53-a846-360afa3415bb:3 dk.dst aa05c9ed-937a-4d53-a846-360afa3415bb 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Tandbehandling Dental outpatient curative care Tandbehandling Dental outpatient curative care Omfatter ambulant tandbehandling såsom tandeftersyn, tandudtrækning, montering af tandproteser, tandimplantater og tandregulering. Dental outpatient curative care services focus on oral health, including teeth, gum and other related disorders. It includes the whole range of services usually performed in an outpatient setting, such as tooth extraction, the fitting of dental prostheses, and dental implants and orthodontics. urn:ddi:dk.dst:7f90d877-6671-4286-ab3c-b24e715dd58b:3 dk.dst 7f90d877-6671-4286-ab3c-b24e715dd58b 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Specialiseret ambulant behandling Specialised outpatient curative care Specialiseret ambulant behandling Specialised outpatient curative care Omfatter specialiserede behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted ambulant. Specialiseret behandling omfatter sundhedsydelser forbundet med et højt teknologiniveau til behandling af mindre hyppige og mere komplekse sundhedstilstande. Specialiserede sundhedsydelser er knyttet til komplicerede sundhedstilstande, som har behov for højteknologisk og kompliceret diagnosticering, behandling og kontrol. De udføres ofte af aktører, som er dedikeret til en bestemt tilstand, sygdom eller gruppe af patienter. Comprises medical and paramedical services delivered to a patient who is not formally admitted to a facility and does not stay overnight with specialised care. These services relate to curative care involving a higher level of technology, which are expected to be consumed by selected cases of less frequent and more complex health care needs. These services are linked to a deep but narrower set of conditions that require a high technology service, involving more complex diagnostic and treatment procedures. They are frequently performed by providers devoted to a particular condition, disease or class of patients. urn:ddi:dk.dst:5e2971dd-8a4a-4306-9393-37f94f604881:3 dk.dst 5e2971dd-8a4a-4306-9393-37f94f604881 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Anden ambulant behandling Other outpatient curative care Anden ambulant behandling Other outpatient curative care Anden ambulant behandling som ikke er inkluderet under almen ambulant behandling (HC.1.3.1), tandbehandling (HC.1.3.2) eller specialiseret ambulant behandling (HC.1.3.3). Omfatter f.eks. fysioterapi, kiropraktik og psykoterapi. Other outpatient curative care consists of outpatient curative care services not included under general (HC.1.3.1), dental (HC.1.3.2), nor specialised outpatient curative care (HC.1.3.3). This e.g. includes physiotherapy, chiropractic, and psychotherapy. urn:ddi:dk.dst:0fe74791-e449-49b1-bbcd-d17a624e4531:3 dk.dst 0fe74791-e449-49b1-bbcd-d17a624e4531 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Behandling i hjemmet Home-based curative care Behandling i hjemmet Home-based curative care Behandlende sundhedsydelser som finder sted i patientens eget hjem og som involverer behandlerens/aktørens fysiske tilstedeværelse. Sundhedsydelser som forsøger at lindre symptomer eller begrænse sygdommens eller skadens alvor og beskytte mod en forværring eller komplikation af sygdommen, der kan vise sig livstruende eller skade en normal funktion. Comprises medical services that are consumed by patients at their home and involve the provider’s physical presence. The principal intent of curative care is to relieve symptoms of illness or injury, to reduce the severity of an illness or injury, or to protect against exacerbation and/or complication of an illness and/or injury that could threaten life or normal function. urn:ddi:dk.dst:09173e66-29c4-4015-bf98-03990d3c315d:3 dk.dst 09173e66-29c4-4015-bf98-03990d3c315d 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Rehabilitering Rehabilitative care Rehabilitering Rehabilitative care Sundhedsydelser der skal stabilisere, forbedre eller genetablere svækkede kropsfunktioner, kompensere for fravær eller tab af funktionsevne, fremme aktiviteter og deltagelse samt forebygge svækkelse, medicinske komplikationer og risici. Der skelnes her også mellem stationære rehabilitering, dvs. rehabilitering under indlæggelse med overnatning, ambulant rehabilitering og rehabilitering i hjemmet hjemmebehandling. Rehabilitative care stabilise, improve or restore impaired body functions and structures, compensate for the absence or loss of body functions and structures, improve activities and participation, and prevent impairments, medical complications and risks. urn:ddi:dk.dst:1524b55c-35d6-414c-b993-fdc39ae51fd4:3 dk.dst 1524b55c-35d6-414c-b993-fdc39ae51fd4 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Rehabilitering under indlæggelse Inpatient rehabilitative care Rehabilitering under indlæggelse Inpatient rehabilitative care Rehabiliterende sundhedsydelser som finder sted under indlæggelse med overnatning. Sundhedsydelser der skal stabilisere, forbedre eller genetablere svækkede kropsfunktioner, kompensere for fravær eller tab af funktionsevne, fremme aktiviteter og deltagelse samt forebygge svækkelse, medicinske komplikationer og risici. Comprises of a formal admission into a health care facility for treatment and/or care that is expected to constitute an overnight stay. Rehabilitative care stabilise, improve or restore impaired body functions and structures, compensate for the absence or loss of body functions and structures, improve activities and participation, and prevent impairments, medical complications and risks. urn:ddi:dk.dst:7cf3e56a-8f9a-4ebf-919b-fd0a1c74afd7:3 dk.dst 7cf3e56a-8f9a-4ebf-919b-fd0a1c74afd7 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Dagrehabilitering under indlæggelse Day rehabilitative care Dagrehabilitering under indlæggelse Day rehabilitative care Rehabiliterende sundhedsydelser som finder sted under indlæggelse uden overnatning (dagindlæggelse). Sundhedsydelser der skal stabilisere, forbedre eller genetablere svækkede kropsfunktioner, kompensere for fravær eller tab af funktionsevne, fremme aktiviteter og deltagelse samt forebygge svækkelse, medicinske komplikationer og risici. Comprises of planned medical and paramedical services delivered to patients who have been formally admitted for diagnosis, treatment or other types of health care but with the intention to discharge the patient on the same day. Rehabilitative care stabilise, improve or restore impaired body functions and structures, compensate for the absence or loss of body functions and structures, improve activities and participation, and prevent impairments, medical complications and risks. urn:ddi:dk.dst:7df1643f-dc52-411c-88f8-ea2d31bd3233:3 dk.dst 7df1643f-dc52-411c-88f8-ea2d31bd3233 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Ambulant rehabilitering Outpatient rehabilitative care Ambulant rehabilitering Outpatient rehabilitative care Rehabiliterende sundhedsydelser som finder sted ambulant. Sundhedsydelser der skal stabilisere, forbedre eller genetablere svækkede kropsfunktioner, kompensere for fravær eller tab af funktionsevne, fremme aktiviteter og deltagelse samt forebygge svækkelse, medicinske komplikationer og risici. Comprises medical and paramedical services delivered to a patient who is not formally admitted to a facility and does not stay overnight. Rehabilitative care stabilise, improve or restore impaired body functions and structures, compensate for the absence or loss of body functions and structures, improve activities and participation, and prevent impairments, medical complications and risks. urn:ddi:dk.dst:90544d35-29f1-4578-bba6-0abc0bef3287:3 dk.dst 90544d35-29f1-4578-bba6-0abc0bef3287 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Rehabilitering i hjemmet Home-based rehabilitative care Rehabilitering i hjemmet Home-based rehabilitative care Rehabiliterende sundhedsydelser som finder sted i patientens eget hjem og som involverer behandlerens/aktørens fysiske tilstedeværelse. Sundhedsydelser der skal stabilisere, forbedre eller genetablere svækkede kropsfunktioner, kompensere for fravær eller tab af funktionsevne, fremme aktiviteter og deltagelse samt forebygge svækkelse, medicinske komplikationer og risici. Comprises medical services that are consumed by patients at their home and involve the provider’s physical presence. Rehabilitative care stabilise, improve or restore impaired body functions and structures, compensate for the absence or loss of body functions and structures, improve activities and participation, and prevent impairments, medical complications and risks. urn:ddi:dk.dst:0e0b590b-299d-402a-afb3-27bd096429a7:3 dk.dst 0e0b590b-299d-402a-afb3-27bd096429a7 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Sygepleje og personlig pleje Long-term care (health) Sygepleje og personlig pleje Long-term care (health) Omfatter hjælp til afhængige patienter til almindelige daglige gøremål, som er relateret til enten sygepleje (medicindosering, rensning af sår etc.) eller personlig pleje (hygiejne). Der skelnes mellem pleje under indlæggelse, på plejehjem, hospices og bosteder og i eget hjem (hjemmehjælp). Long-term care (health) consists of a range of medical and personal care services that are consumed with the primary goal of alleviating pain and suffering and reducing or managing the deterioration in health status in patients with a degree of long-term dependency. urn:ddi:dk.dst:8b3c19aa-450c-4b6d-bb79-813df71b4391:3 dk.dst 8b3c19aa-450c-4b6d-bb79-813df71b4391 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Sygepleje og personlig pleje under ophold Inpatient long-term care (health) Sygepleje og personlig pleje under ophold Inpatient long-term care (health) Sygepleje og personlig pleje som finder sted under ophold med overnatning (hospices, plejehjem, plejeboliger mv.). Omfatter hjælp til afhængige patienter til almindelige daglige gøremål, som er relateret til enten sygepleje (medicindosering, rensning af sår etc.) eller personlig pleje (hygiejne). Comprises comprises long-term care (health) services provided in a health care facility (hospital, nursing home) and requiring an overnight stay with medical supervision. The package of services covers nursing and/or personal care, usually provided together, along with a range of other components such as accommodation and support services. urn:ddi:dk.dst:26e9f373-6193-481c-b6e6-1dd60eecc023:4 dk.dst 26e9f373-6193-481c-b6e6-1dd60eecc023 4 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Sygepleje og personlig pleje (dagbehandling) Day long-term care (health) Sygepleje og personlig pleje (dagbehandling) Day long-term care (health) Sygepleje og personlig pleje som finder sted under ophold uden overnatning. Omfatter hjælp til afhængige patienter til almindelige daglige gøremål, som er relateret til enten sygepleje (medicindosering, rensning af sår etc.) eller personlig pleje (hygiejne). Comprises planned long-term care (health) services in a health care facility but without an overnight stay. Services may be provided in a hospital or nursing home or in a dedicated or stand-alone day centre facility. urn:ddi:dk.dst:5b0fb84f-0d12-4836-971c-6938be7fa943:3 dk.dst 5b0fb84f-0d12-4836-971c-6938be7fa943 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Ambulant sygepleje og personlig pleje Outpatient long-term care (health) Ambulant sygepleje og personlig pleje Outpatient long-term care (health) Sygepleje og personlig pleje som finder sted ambulant. Omfatter hjælp til afhængige patienter til almindelige daglige gøremål, som er relateret til enten sygepleje (medicindosering, rensning af sår etc.) eller personlig pleje (hygiejne). Comprises services that have the purpose of managing damaged health conditions and the associated clinical difficulties. Dependent patients with a chronic condition may require periodic verification of medication doses and of the evolution of their condition, and advice on how to handle symptoms that emerge as the disease evolves. These services may refer to regular outpatient visits or to the increasing provision of remote monitoring services for LTC patients. urn:ddi:dk.dst:3cdbed91-8b71-425d-ac70-aba62bd377a3:3 dk.dst 3cdbed91-8b71-425d-ac70-aba62bd377a3 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Sygepleje og personlig pleje i hjemmet Home-based long-term care (health) Sygepleje og personlig pleje i hjemmet Home-based long-term care (health) Sygepleje og personlig pleje som finder sted i patientens eget hjem og som involverer behandlerens/aktørens fysiske tilstedeværelse (hjemmesygepleje, hjemmehjælp). Omfatter hjælp til afhængige patienter til almindelige daglige gøremål, som er relateret til enten sygepleje (medicindosering, rensning af sår etc.) eller personlig pleje (hygiejne). Comprises services provided to persons within their own home, or in residential settings such as adapted housing that can be considered as their home, rather than in an “institution”. Such residential facilities include community-based settings, such as adapted housing, which provide an individual housing environment in combination with certain services, such as health protection and surveillance, often for elderly people who are becoming more dependent. It can involve specialised health care at home and services to support informal (family or community) care. urn:ddi:dk.dst:c02545b3-4d3b-4897-ad0f-3d52e2bb3eb1:3 dk.dst c02545b3-4d3b-4897-ad0f-3d52e2bb3eb1 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Fritstående hjælpetjenester Ancillary services (non-specified by function) Fritstående hjælpetjenester Ancillary services (non-specified by function) Omfatter sundhedsydelser som ikke er specificeret efter funktion eller leveringsform og som ikke er en integreret del af en behandlingsforløb/pakke og som patienten forbruger direkte. Eksempler på fritstående sundhedstjenester kan være laboratorieydelser, billeddiagnostik og patienttransport såfremt de ikke indgår i et behandlingsforløb. Ancillary services (non-specified by function) includes the health care or long-term care services, non-specified by function and non-specified by mode of provision, which the patient consumes directly, in particular during an independent contact with the health system, and that are not integral part of a care service package. urn:ddi:dk.dst:67107d13-0fb8-4d45-875d-5f031468b880:3 dk.dst 67107d13-0fb8-4d45-875d-5f031468b880 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Laboratorieydelser Laboratory services Laboratorieydelser Laboratory services Omfatter en række forskellige test af kliniske prøver med det formål at indhente information om patienters helbred. Comprises a variety of tests of clinical specimens aimed at obtaining information about the health of a patient. urn:ddi:dk.dst:7cd6ce75-386e-4d7b-8a5e-73b04d0c1a9e:3 dk.dst 7cd6ce75-386e-4d7b-8a5e-73b04d0c1a9e 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Billedediagnostik Imaging services Billedediagnostik Imaging services Omfatter en række tjenester, der anvender billedteknologi såsom røntgenstråler og stråling til diagnosticering og overvågning af patienter. Comprises a variety of services that employ imaging technology, such as X-rays and radiation for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. urn:ddi:dk.dst:4f1e4956-f1a6-49c9-8b7b-a14a5b69b0f9:3 dk.dst 4f1e4956-f1a6-49c9-8b7b-a14a5b69b0f9 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Patienttransport Patient transportation Patienttransport Patient transportation Omfatter transport af patienter til en sundhedsfacilitet efter lægelig henvisning eller som en nødvendig overførsel mellem institutioner for at komplementere en pakke af sundhedsydelser. Comprises the transportation of patients to a health care facility on medical recommendation or as a necessary inter-facility transfer to complement a package of health care services. urn:ddi:dk.dst:e5967326-124a-4d30-8dc8-e66016abd87e:3 dk.dst e5967326-124a-4d30-8dc8-e66016abd87e 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Medicinske varer og hjælpemidler (uspecificerede) Medical goods (non-specified by function) Medicinske varer og hjælpemidler (uspecificerede) Medical goods (non-specified by function) Omfatter farmaceutiske produkter og ikke-varige medicinske forbrugsgoder, der er beregnet til anvendelse i forbindelse med diagnose, helbredelse, afbødning eller behandling af sygdomme, herunder receptpligtig medicin og håndkøbsmedicin, samt medicinske varige goder, der støtter eller afhjælper misdannelser og/eller anomalier i den menneskelige krop, ortopædiske apparater, proteser eller kunstige lemmer, der erstatter manglende kropsdele, og andet proteseudstyr, herunder implantater, der erstatter eller supplerer funktionen af en manglende biologisk struktur, samt medio-tekniske artikler, hvor funktionen eller leveringsformen ikke er specificeret. Medical goods (non-specified by function) comprises pharmaceutical products and non-durable medical goods intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation or treatment of disease, including prescribed medicine and over-the-counter drugs, as well as therapeutic appliances and other medical durable goods, such as glasses, hearing aids, other orthopaedic appliances, prosthetics and other medical-technical devices, where the function and the mode of provision are not specified. urn:ddi:dk.dst:a6379fbc-b93d-43a0-a788-1e597768ff8b:3 dk.dst a6379fbc-b93d-43a0-a788-1e597768ff8b 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Lægemidler og andre medicinske varer, ekskl. udstyr Pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durable goods Lægemidler og andre medicinske varer, ekskl. udstyr Pharmaceuticals and other medical non-durable goods Farmaceutiske produkter og ikke-varige medicinske forbrugsgoder, der er beregnet til anvendelse i forbindelse med diagnose, helbredelse, afbødning eller behandling af sygdomme, herunder receptpligtig medicin og håndkøbsmedicin, hvor funktionen og leveringsformen ikke er specificeret. Comprises pharmaceutical products and non-durable medical goods intended for use in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation or treatment of disease. This includes medicinal preparations, branded and generic medicines, drugs, patent medicines, serums and vaccines, and oral contraceptives. Fluids required for dialysis, as well as gases used in health care, such as oxygen, should also be included when the patient or relatives purchase them directly. urn:ddi:dk.dst:97952350-b145-4c1b-9720-afd61082cd95:3 dk.dst 97952350-b145-4c1b-9720-afd61082cd95 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Receptpligtig medicin Prescribed medicines Receptpligtig medicin Prescribed medicines Receptpligtig medicin omfatter alle udleverede lægemidler, som er ordineret på recept af en autoriseret læge eller farmaceut. Prescribed medicines comprises all pharmaceuticals, including branded and generic pharmaceutical products, which are provided in response to a prescription issued by a licensed medical practitioner or pharmacist. urn:ddi:dk.dst:f0c407b2-b710-41d5-b50f-1a11217d51a2:3 dk.dst f0c407b2-b710-41d5-b50f-1a11217d51a2 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Håndkøbsmedicin Over-the-counter medicines Håndkøbsmedicin Over-the-counter medicines Håndkøbsmedicin omfatter alle lægemidler, som er udleveret uden recept fra en autoriseret læge eller farmaceut. Inkluderes kun hvis de har et sundhedsfagligt formål. Over-the-counter medicines comprises all pharmaceuticals, including branded and generic pharmaceutical products which may or may not be available without prescription but have been purchased independently. Inclusions on this category should be linked to the health purpose. urn:ddi:dk.dst:85da4da1-f978-4a99-b550-166467940b49:3 dk.dst 85da4da1-f978-4a99-b550-166467940b49 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Andre medicinske goder, ekskl. udstyr Other medical non-durable goods Andre medicinske goder, ekskl. udstyr Other medical non-durable goods Omfatter andre medicinske ikke-varige goder såsom bandager, plastre, injektionssprøjter, førstehjælpssæt, kondomer og andre mekaniske præventionsmidler. Other medical non-durable goods includes adhesive and non-adhesive bandages, hypodermic syringes, first-aid kits, hot-water bottles and ice bags, medical hosiery items such as elastic stockings and knee supports, condoms and other mechanical contraceptive devices. This sub-category also includes medical non-durable goods that have been prescribed by a licensed medical practitioner. urn:ddi:dk.dst:b67192b0-8f62-4ce9-8b43-ee470ef31d72:3 dk.dst b67192b0-8f62-4ce9-8b43-ee470ef31d72 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Terapeutiske apparater og hjælpemidler Therapeutic appliances and other medical goods Terapeutiske apparater og hjælpemidler Therapeutic appliances and other medical goods Medicinske varige goder, der støtter eller afhjælper misdannelser og/eller anomalier i den menneskelige krop, ortopædiske apparater, proteser eller kunstige lemmer, der erstatter manglende kropsdele, og andet proteseudstyr, herunder implantater, der erstatter eller supplerer funktionen af en manglende biologisk struktur, samt medio-tekniske artikler, hvor funktionen eller leveringsformen ikke er specificeret. Therapeutic appliances and other medical goods comprises medical durable goods, such as glasses, hearing aids, other orthopaedic appliances, prosthetics and other medical-technical devices, where the function and the mode of provision are not specified. urn:ddi:dk.dst:b290e1de-59db-47b5-96c4-a29dc8782b3b:3 dk.dst b290e1de-59db-47b5-96c4-a29dc8782b3b 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Briller og kontaktlinser Glasses and other vision products Briller og kontaktlinser Glasses and other vision products urn:ddi:dk.dst:6b005e4d-4b86-4af7-816a-d79f47ca0617:3 dk.dst 6b005e4d-4b86-4af7-816a-d79f47ca0617 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Høreapparater Hearing aids Høreapparater Hearing aids urn:ddi:dk.dst:1a2f45ac-d3f8-4742-93ab-554870e72e15:3 dk.dst 1a2f45ac-d3f8-4742-93ab-554870e72e15 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Andre ortopædiske hjælpemidler og proteser Other orthopaedic appliances and prosthetics (excluding glasses and hearing aids) Andre ortopædiske hjælpemidler og proteser Other orthopaedic appliances and prosthetics (excluding glasses and hearing aids) urn:ddi:dk.dst:d20e7ef4-43ec-4692-991d-0ac6eb3090cf:3 dk.dst d20e7ef4-43ec-4692-991d-0ac6eb3090cf 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Alle andre medicinske goder herunder teknisk udstyr All other medical durables, including medical technical devices Alle andre medicinske goder herunder teknisk udstyr All other medical durables, including medical technical devices urn:ddi:dk.dst:ad523301-632b-4918-ad76-200250d13533:3 dk.dst ad523301-632b-4918-ad76-200250d13533 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Sundhedsfremme og forebyggelse Preventive care Sundhedsfremme og forebyggelse Preventive care Foranstaltninger der har til formål at undgå eller begrænse antallet eller alvoren af skader og sygdomme samt deres følgevirkninger og komplikationer. Preventive care is any measure that aims to avoid or reduce the number or the severity of injuries and diseases, their sequelae and complications. Prevention is based on a health promotion strategy that involves a process to enable people to improve their health through the control over some of its immediate determinants. This includes a wide range of expected outcomes, which are covered through a diversity of interventions. urn:ddi:dk.dst:fce7fe67-ee84-4eca-a2fc-37f95cb164a3:3 dk.dst fce7fe67-ee84-4eca-a2fc-37f95cb164a3 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Informationsmateriale, patientundervisning og rådgivningsprogrammer Information, education and counseling programmes Informationsmateriale, patientundervisning og rådgivningsprogrammer Information, education and counseling programmes Informationsmateriale, patientundervisning og rådgivningsprogrammer omfatter hjælp til at undgå eller begrænse antallet eller alvoren af skader og sygdomme samt deres følgevirkninger og komplikationer. Omfatter information om sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser af rygning, kost, fysisk aktivitet eller saltforbrug; særlige advarsler til gravide kvinder om stofmisbrug og alkoholforbrug; information om effektiviteten af risikobeskyttelse gennem brug af styrthjelme og sikkerhedsseler; og information om vaccinations- eller screeningsprogrammer. Information, education and counselling programmes can be related to risk avoidance strategies, self-protection, medication adherence, self-management guidelines for diseases, pre-operative education, or discharge plans. They can also be related to self-applied tests to monitor health conditions, orienting individuals on how to stay well if the results are negative, and orienting and referring them for follow-up, if positive. Examples include information about the health consequences of smoking, diet, physical activity or salt consumption; special warnings to pregnant women about drug abuse and alcohol consumption; information on risk protection effectiveness through the use of crash helmets and seat belts; and information on vaccination or screening programmes. urn:ddi:dk.dst:c3b93d58-9abf-4345-a480-3afdc964c859:3 dk.dst c3b93d58-9abf-4345-a480-3afdc964c859 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Vaccinationsprogrammer Immunisation programmes Vaccinationsprogrammer Immunisation programmes For at forhindre udvikling af en sygdom, før eller efter eksponering, gennem brug af vacciner. Dette er primær forebyggelse. Eksempler omfatter vaccination mod difteri, hepatitis, HPV, influenza, mæslinger, meningokokinfektioner, fåresyge, pertussis (kighoste), pneumokokinfektioner, polio, rabies, røde hunde, stivkrampe, skoldkopper, gul feber og COVID-19. Udgifter til både vaccinationsprogrammet og indkøb af selve vaccinen indgår her. In order to prevent the development of a disease, before or after exposure, through the use of pharmaceutical products, such as vaccines. This is primary prevention. It can involve consumption by specific individuals in a campaign or in continued programme operations. Examples include immunisation for diphtheria, hepatitis, herpes zoster, HPV, influenza, measles, meningococcal infections, mumps, pertussis (whooping cough), pneumococcal infections, polio, rabies, rubella, tetanus, varicella (chicken pox) and yellow fever. The expenditure involved in the consultation, both for the time and skills of the personnel and the purchase of the vaccine itself, is accounted for. urn:ddi:dk.dst:75da9791-fd44-4b85-8345-fd40baf78954:3 dk.dst 75da9791-fd44-4b85-8345-fd40baf78954 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Tidlig sygdomsopsporing (screening mv.) Early disease detection programmes Tidlig sygdomsopsporing (screening mv.) Early disease detection programmes Omfatter aktiv søgning efter en sygdom tidligt i sygdomsforløbet før symptomer opstår. Det kan omfatte screeningsprogrammer, diagnostiske test og lægeundersøgelser, som er rettet mod specifikke sygdomme såsom brystkræft, livmoderhalskræft, tyktarmskræft, diabetes, HIV, prostatacancer osv. This item concerns the active search for a disease early in its course, before symptoms appear, within the risk groups, as organised programme activities. This can involve screening, diagnostic tests and medical examinations. These are directed to specific diseases, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, colon rectal cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, prostate cancer and so on. According to the criteria set for prevention, it would involve only early disease detection before a diagnosis is made. According to the boundaries of health care, a self-examination performed without a transaction involved would not be accounted for. Self-examination can generate expenditure when it involves the purchase of tests to be self-performed, e.g. levels of sugar in blood or urine, which are to be reported as HC.5. Control and follow-up exams after diagnosis should be considered as part of curative care (HC.1). urn:ddi:dk.dst:03bf4b91-169f-43be-8cdb-3422c72bc6c1:3 dk.dst 03bf4b91-169f-43be-8cdb-3422c72bc6c1 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Overvågningsprogrammer Healthy condition monitoring programmes Overvågningsprogrammer Healthy condition monitoring programmes Omfatter aktiv overvågning af sundhedstilstanden hos patienter. Ofte målrettet mod specifikke tilstande såsom graviditet, This item concerns the active monitoring of healthy conditions and is not focused on specific diseases. These can target specific conditions such as pregnancy (antenatal and postnatal care) or specific age groups such as children (e.g. child growth and development) or ageing groups, or specific health domains, such as dental and general health check-ups. urn:ddi:dk.dst:0563459f-2167-4a72-885b-3bdff5827607:4 dk.dst 0563459f-2167-4a72-885b-3bdff5827607 4 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} cm:Includes {"da":"Spildevangsovervågning","en":"Waste water monitoring"} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Epidemiologisk overvågning og sygdomskontrolprogrammer Epidemiological surveillance and risk and disease control programmes Epidemiologisk overvågning og sygdomskontrolprogrammer Epidemiological surveillance and risk and disease control programmes Omfatter overvågning af forekomsten af smitsomme sygdomme og information ved aktuelle sygdomsudbrud. Dette sker gennem planlægning, overvågning og evaluering af sygdomsbekæmpende indgreb. This class involves technical operations to manage knowledge and resources with a preventive and control focus. This is done through the planning, monitoring and evaluation of interventions. The generic content includes: conducting surveillance of outbreaks and patterns of communicable and non-communicable diseases and of injuries and exposure to environmental agents harmful to health, as well as investigating appropriate responses. urn:ddi:dk.dst:d36b0912-a3db-4841-95ba-0a05c0341043:3 dk.dst d36b0912-a3db-4841-95ba-0a05c0341043 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Katastrofe- og nødberedskab Preparing for disaster and emergency response programmes Katastrofe- og nødberedskab Preparing for disaster and emergency response programmes Katastrofe- og nødberedskab til humanitære nødsituationer uanset om det er naturkatastrofer eller menneskeskabte katastrofer. Formålet er at beskytte folkesundheden og reducere dødelighed og sygdomshyppighed fra sundhedsfarer gennem feltepidemiologi, uddannelse i tekniske standarder og omfattende beredskabsplaner. Dette vil f.eks. inkludere evnen til at udvide sygehuskapaciteten meget hurtigt og forberedelser til ændring af håndtering og henvisning af patienter, såsom triagering af akutte patienter. Includes preparations for an appropriate response in case of humanitarian emergencies, whether of human or natural origin. The aim is to protect health and to reduce mortality and morbidity due to health hazards through in particular field epidemiology as well as training in technical standards. This would involve e.g. the capacity to acquire or expand resources very quickly, and preparations for changing the handling and referencing of patients, such as patient triage and restructuring coverage in line with the nature of the emergency. urn:ddi:dk.dst:63cc7766-f22a-4fd4-ad5b-17026445d1b4:3 dk.dst 63cc7766-f22a-4fd4-ad5b-17026445d1b4 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Sundhedsvæsenets styring, ledelse og administration Governance, and health system and financing administration Sundhedsvæsenets styring, ledelse og administration Governance, and health system and financing administration Ydelser der er rettet mod sundhedssystemet og ikke mod direkte sundhedsydelser, og som støtter sundhedssystemets funktion og betragtes som kollektive, da de ikke leveres til enkeltpersoner, men er til gavn for alle sundhedssystemets brugere. De styrer og understøtter sundhedsvæsenets funktion. Disse tjenester forventes at opretholde og øge effektiviteten og efficiensen af sundhedsvæsenet. Udgifterne afholdes for det meste, men ikke udelukkende, af det offentlige. These services focus on the health system rather than direct health care, and are considered to be collective, as they are not allocated to specific individuals but benefit all health system users. They direct and support health system functioning. These services are expected to maintain and increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the health system and may enhance its equity. These expenditures are incurred mostly but not exclusively by governments. urn:ddi:dk.dst:f664c893-e271-4ff6-9a91-d7c8cde874fe:4 dk.dst f664c893-e271-4ff6-9a91-d7c8cde874fe 4 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"Omfatter ikke faste udgifter forbundet med ledelse og administration hos de enkelte sundhedsaktører (f.eks. hospitaler, almen praksis og plejehjem). Faste udgifter til ledelse og administration medregnes derimod på den funktion hvor slutforbruget finder sted såfremt ledelse og administration er en hjælpetjeneste.","en":"Excludes any overhead expenses connected with the administration or functioning of health providers, including hospitals or other providers, which are to be included in the expenditures by service consumed (HC.1-HC.6). For example, if a group of public or private hospitals has a central unit that provides certain common services, such as purchasing, laboratories, ambulances, or other facilities, the value of these common services would be taken into account as part of the value of those individual services."} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Styring, ledelse og administration Governance and Health system administration Styring, ledelse og administration Governance and Health system administration Omfatter planlægning, politikformulering, koordinering og informationsdeling for hele sundhedsvæsenet samt design af regulatoriske vejledninger og direktiver samt kontrol af kvalitet og ressourceforbrug. Governance has been defined as “the careful and responsible management of the well-being of the population” and comprises three broad tasks: providing vision and direction, collecting and using intelligence and exerting influence through regulation and other means. It includes planning, policy formulation and information intelligence for the entire health system, while administration involves a management focus, including to design regulatory measures, to generate incentives, and to control organisations and resources in the system. urn:ddi:dk.dst:945f437e-d0e3-4380-a9aa-8ca420c3f712:4 dk.dst 945f437e-d0e3-4380-a9aa-8ca420c3f712 4 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":"The administrative costs of the health providers and the health care goods and services they provide. Also excluded are the opportunity costs of paperwork for consumers and the associated general revenue tax collection."} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Administration af sundhedsforsikringer Administration of health financing Administration af sundhedsforsikringer Administration of health financing Omfatter administration af sundhedsforsikringsordninger. Herunder administration og opkrævning af forsikringspræmier samt kontrol og tilsyn med sundhedsforsikringsudbetalinger. Administration of health financing contains the management of the collection of funds and the administration, monitoring and evaluation of such resources. Among the specific services linked to resource mobilisation are the identification of members of the schemes; their enrolment; the billing and collection of contributions; and the management of exemptions. urn:ddi:dk.dst:efaccf25-b860-4761-8c77-f0e571633a3c:3 dk.dst efaccf25-b860-4761-8c77-f0e571633a3c 3 cm:IsGenerated True cm:IsGenerated True cm:Includes {"da":"","en":""} cm:IncludesAlso {"da":"","en":""} cm:Excludes {"da":"","en":""} cm:UnitOfMeasure {"da":"","en":""} cm:CaseLaw {"da":"","en":""} Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Adding Classification -- ICHA_HC_V1_2011 - Sundhedsfunktion, v1:2011 Andre sundhedsydelser og tjenester Other health care services not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) Andre sundhedsydelser og tjenester Other health care services not elsewhere classified (n.e.c.) Denne kategori indeholder alle andre sundhedsydelser, der ikke er klassificeret i HC.1 til HC.7. This item includes any other health care services not classified in HC.1 to HC.7.