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Population and Education, Education
Nare Hakhverdyan
+45 39 17 33 16

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Adult Education Survey (AES)

Data from the EU countries are published by Eurostat.

Comparability - geographical

Comparable data for the AES-surveys within EU are being published by Eurostat.

Comparability over time

The AES survey was conducted 3 times: - Adult Education Survey 2008(pilot) - Adult Education Survey 2011 - Adult Education Survey 2016 - Adult Education Survey 2022

Comparison with the former AES survey from 2008 is not possible because the results from the 2008 survey have not been enumerated.

Coherence - cross domain

International statistics:

Labor Force Survey (LFS) since 2003

Eurostat: Eurostat AES.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.