Statistical presentation
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Population and EducationNare Hakhverdyan
+45 23 72 80 07
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The AES (Adult Education Survey) describes the adult Danish population's (aged 25-64 years) participation in life long learning activities, both in the formal and non-formal education system. Respondents answered among other things about the content of their ongoing education activities, the costs involved, and the volume of the education.
In the survey for 2022 the age group has been expanded from 25-64 to 18-69.
Data description
The AES (Adult Education Survey) describes the adult Danish population's (aged 18-69 years) participation in life long learning activities, both in the formal and non-formal education system. Respondents answered among other things about the content of their ongoing education activities, the costs involved, and the volume of the education. Usage of computer and web as well as knowledge of foreign languages were a part of the survey too. Formal education leads to a public acknowledged exam or qualification. Non-formal education is courses, seminars, workshops, job training etc. which don't lead to an acknowledged competence.
Classification system
The sampling has been made given the groups: 18-24 years, 25-34 years, 35-49 years and 50-69 years.
Sector coverage
The educational sector.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Formal Education: Educational activities leading to a public recognized examination or qualification. Formal education is typically offered by an educational education like a technical school or university and tend to include a longer time period as an individual course. The educations are structured in relation to target, time period and support, and ends up with a recognized proof of exam. The process of learning is intended by the student. Typical exams are e.g. public school, baccalaureate, HF etc, vocational educations like office and trading educations, social worker, university educations like math, economics or law.
Non-formal education: Non-formal education consists of courses, seminars and similar without any public recognized exam. Non-formal education don't lead to a public recognized proof or similar. They give no formal competences, but has learning as a main purpose.
Work-related reasons for participating in an education are defined based on a wish to gather new knowledge or get new skills, which are needed at the workplace or for higher salary or for being promoted.
In relation to international comparisons the AMU courses are categorized as being non-formal education.
Statistical unit
Statistical population
Persons aged 18- 69 years of age living in Denmark at the time of the survey.
Reference area
Time coverage
The AS survey was conducted in 2022-2023.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Reference period
The Data collection of the AES survey was conducted between October 2022 and March 2023. All questions on participation in education, instruction hours, etc. relates to the latest 12 month before the interview. Administrative registers used in the survey are based on the latest update related to the reference period.
Frequency of dissemination
The AES is planned to be carried out every 6th year.
Legal acts and other agreements
The Act on Statistics Denmark.
AES has been conducted according to the Commission's regulation (EU) no 2021/861 on specifying the technical items of the data set and establishing the technical formats for transmission of information on the organisation of a sample survey in the education and training domain pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
Cost and burden
Nor evaluated since participation is voluntary.
No supplementary documentation is available.