Board members and managers
Contact info
Business Dynamics, Business StatisticsAsbjørn Hviid Mikkelsen
+45 29 42 68 36
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The purpose of the statistics is to give a coherent and consistent description of the structure and development among members of board and management in enterprises. The statistics was first published for the reference year 2017. In 2024, a revised time series was created retrospectively back to 2019.
Statistical presentation
The statistics of board members and managers shows active members in board and management of active enterprises in Denmark. It includes the private sector and all activity codes, but is limited to shareholder companies, Limited Liability Companies and entrepreneurship companies.
The former name of the statistics was “Members of boards and management”. The production method for the statistics remain unchanged. The data source is from the production year 2024 and onwards vastly improved compared to earlier.
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Statistical processing
The statistics combines multiple statistical registers from Statistics Denmark regarding population and enterprises. The statistics covers members of active enterprises in Denmark, in the private sector with the types shareholder company, limited liability company and entrepreneurship company. Entrepreneurship companies are only included until 2021, where the company type ceases to exist entirely
Read more about statistical processing
The statistics are relevant for analyses of members in the boards and managements in the Danish business society. Central users are: Ministries, business centers, regions, municipalities, private enterprises and private persons.
Accuracy and reliability
The uncertainty associated with the statistics is linked to uncertainty from the administrative sources of statistics. Enterprises have an obligation by law to self-report information. The Business Authorities can ultimately close companies who does not apply to legislation. Statistics Denmark have no possibility to control data, but asses on basis of this fact, that the uncertainty is limited in scope.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published each year but the publication month can vary. The statistics are published without delay in relation to scheduled release times.
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The statistics is comparable to the Generel Enterprise statistics under the same delimitation of type of enterprise and sector.
Since the reference year 2022, the statistics has been revised retrospectively to the reference year 2019 and is not comparable to the former time series spanning the period 2014-2021.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published yearly in a Danish press release and in the StatBank under Board embers and managers.