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Business Dynamics, Business Statistics.
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Board members and managers

The statistics is comparable to the Generel Enterprise statistics under the same delimitation of type of enterprise and sector.

Since the reference year 2022, the statistics has been revised retrospectively to the reference year 2019 and is not comparable to the former time series spanning the period 2014-2021.

Comparability - geographical

It has not been examined whether other countries have produced similar statistics.

Comparability over time

Since reference year 2022, the enterprises in Board members and managers are based on the new activity threshold, which includes economically active enterprises. It is therefore not directly comparable to the previous time series covering 2014-2021.

From the reference year 2022 active enterprises are defined as enterprises with employees measured as at least ½ of a full time equivalent or either turnover, purchase of goods, imports, exports, value added and balance sheet totals above a certain threshold. If the enterprises own enterprises or are jointly settled with regard to VAT or employees with enterprises that are economically active, the enterprises will also be considered to be active enterprises. The change in activity threshold has caused the number of enterprises and thereby also the number of board members and managers to increase.

From the reference year 2022 the data source of the Board members and managers statistics has been improved significantly. Terminated relationships between enterprises and board members and managers been removed which earlier was part of the statistics by error. The effect of this revision has reduced the number of board members and managers in the statistics, all else being equal. Furthermore, the number of persons with unknown role is almost eliminated.

Coherence - cross domain

Since the statistics is delimited to private companies with the enterprise forms shareholder company, Limited Liability company and entrepreneurship company , the statistics can be compared to the number of enterprises in the general enterprise statistics with the same delimitation.

Industries in the private sector are comparable to information in the Accounting Statistics. In addition, General Enterprise Statistics, together with a number of other statistics, highlights the Danish business community, including statistics on business demographics, high-growth companies and groups, etc. See more on subject companies in general.

Coherence - internal

The statistics are based on several different sources with different unit types. The statistics are processed so that the unit level becomes the same across sources.