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Consumer Expectations Survey

The questions asked in connection with these statistics in Denmark are also asked in the European Commission's Consumer confidence survey '. The European Commission publishes figures for all EU countries in its database. Eurostat's consumer confidence is based on a slightly different composition of questions than the current one in Denmark. Therefore, the overall consumer confidence indicators calculated in Denmark and in Eurostat are not directly comparable, whereas all sub-indicators are directly comparable. The questions shown in the section 2.01. Data description, have been asked in all the omnibus surveys since 1974. Due to minor changes in the calculation method, an immediate comparison is only possible from 2007 onwards.

Comparability - geographical

Statistics is comparable across the countries, since all national institutes use the same harmonized questionnaires in accordance with the principle of harmonization of the Commission's survey program, which aims to produce a set of comparable data for all countries. However, the European 'Consumer confidence indicator' is calculated as a simple arithmetic mean of the net figures for the questions: 1) The family's financial situation today compared to a year ago? 2) The family's financial situation in a year, compared with today 4) Denmark's financial situation in a year, compared with today
9) How much will the family spend on larger consumer goods in the next 12 months compared to the last 12 months?

Statistics Denmark calculates the consumer confidence indicator as a simple arithmetic mean of the net figures for the questions: 1) The family's financial situation today, compared to a year ago 2) The family's financial situation in a year, compared to today 3) Denmark's economic situation today, compared with a year ago 4) Denmark's economic situation in a year, compared with today 5) Acquisition of major consumer goods, it is considered advantageous at the moment

Therefore, the European 'Consumer confidence indicator' and the Danish consumer confidence indicator are not directly comparable. The Danish consumer confidence indicator is a combination of the consumer's assessment of their own financial situation and Denmark's current financial situation, as well as the consumer's expectations for the future. In Denmark, consumer confidence indicator reflects the general economic situation, both for the family and Denmark in present and in the future, but with a little less focus on the future. Eurostat's indicator provides a better insight into the consumers' expectations about their own economic situation, with the purpose to follow the development in households final consumption expenditures. The consumer confidence indicators in Denmark and in Eurostat follow generally the same change of direction, however with minor deviations in levels, which become significantly higher during the world's major financial and economic crises such as the world's financial crisis in 2008 and in the aftermath of it, and persistent economic crisis triggered by COVID-19.

Comparability over time

The questions shown in the section 2.01. Data description, have been asked in all the omnibus surveys since 1974. Due to minor changes in the calculation method, an immediate comparison is only possible from 2007 onwards. Decimals: Until December 2004, the net figures for the various indicators of the consumer expectations survey have been calculated and published as integers. However, upon the request of the European Commission, the net figures in the consumer expectation survey and the consumer confidence indicator from January 2005 onwards are calculated and delivered with one decimal.

Coherence - cross domain

Not relevant for this statistics.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.