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The most important user is the European Commission for Economy and Finances (ECFIN), which receives detailed tables for all questions and publishes seasonally adjusted consumer confidence indicators for all EU member states. The figures are also of great interest to the news media.
User Needs
The most important user is the European Commission for Economy and Finances (ECFIN), which receives detailed tables for all questions and publishes consumer confidence indicators for all EU member states. The figures are also of great interest to the news media. Since January 2005 Statistics Denmark has delivered net figures and indicators for EU (ECFIN) with decimals. In the same period Statistics Denmark has published the figures with decimals in the Statbank and in "News" from Statistics Denmark.
User Satisfaction
Relatively large press coverage. Statistics Denmark provides data on consumer expectations to the Ministry of Finance and researchers, for example from Copenhagen Business School (CBS). There have been no requests for changes to the statistics from these users.
Data completeness rate
All needed statistics are available and comply fully with guidelines submitted by the European Commission. However, the consumer confidence indicator can be calculated in several ways, depending on the purpose of the indicator: to follow / predict growth of the households final consumption expenditures or to follow / predict a general development in the economic situation, both in terms of the family and general economic situation. Eurostat's consumer confidence is based on a slightly different combination of sub-indicators than the current one in Denmark. Therefore, the overall consumer confidence indicators calculated in Denmark and in Eurostat are not directly comparable, whereas all sub-indicators are directly comparable.