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Research, Technology and Culture
Anders Yde Bentsen
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Cultural Habits Survey

The cultural consumption study has been completed and developed in close cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and is the eighth in the series of traditional studies of the Danes' cultural consumption, which have been carried out in 1964, 1975, 1987, 1993, 1998, 2004 and 2012. Current study meets a number of different user needs, including more frequent statistics and the possibility to analyse geographical differences and seasonal effects in cultural consumption. The questionnaire contains both fixed and flexible modules that allow ongoing content adjustment.

User Needs

The overall user need is to create more knowledge about the Danes' cultural and leisure activities and thus provide the basis for fact-based decisions about culture. There is a need for better knowledge of the Danes' cultural habits among professionals, analysts, especially interested and generally interested. Public authorities, researchers and other stakeholders may be interested in having access to the study's results in order to identify relevant, current cultural and cultural policy issues that may form the basis for cultural policy and professional considerations. The figures can also be used by users who work with other sectors, such as digitization, sports, news media, education, voluntary work, etc., since the broad cultural and leisure activities study covers a range of information that is relevant to these sectors. The cultural consumption study has been carried out with funding from the Danish Ministry of Culture. This ensures that important user needs are taken into account when developing the content of the statistics. The questionnaire has a flexible part from 2019, which is replaced every quarter. The purpose is to be able to meet more acute user needs by either adding questions about topics, that are not covered by the form's fixed part, or by being able to add more, detailed questions about selected topics. The survey meets a desire for more frequent statistics and the opportunity to shed light on geographical differences and seasonal effects in cultural consumption. The need for more in-depth analysis is met by the use of a robust sample of approx. 24,000 people each year.

User Satisfaction

Various measures are taken both before and after the data collection, in order to ensure user satisfaction. The development of the form for the study has taken place in a broad collaboration between Statistics Denmark and the main users of the cultural statistics, including the Danish Ministry of Culture and its government agencies, researchers etc. For the questionnaire development, an advisory group has been established with representatives from the Ministry of Culture, academia and other important users. The broad composition of the advisory group helps to ensure that the questionnaire content reflects the most important user needs. User satisfaction is also ensured by collecting input from the users of the statistics. This happens, among other things, by systematic storage and review of relevant inquiries, press reviews etc. and in connection with presentation of the results at conferences and the like. There is a Board of Culture Statistics, with representatives from the Ministry of Culture and Statistics Denmark, who regularly follow the study in order to assess its quality and user-friendliness.

Data completeness rate

Not relevant for these statistics.