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Cultural Habits Survey

The cultural habits survey is a sample-based interview based survey that describes the population's consumption of cultural and leisure activities from the age of four years and older, residing in Denmark. However, the actual cultural consumption can occur both in Denmark and abroad, for example in connection with travel. Culture consumption is distributed by age and gender. The current study on cultural consumption is ongoing. It runs from July 1, 2018 to December 31, 2023. The statistical documentation, by its very nature, concerns only the first two quarters of the investigation period at this point of time.

Data description

The Cultural Habits Survey is a sample-based survey that sheds light on the population's consumption of cultural and leisure activities. The survey shows how many people participate in and make use of cultural activities.

The following cultural areas are covered by the study: - Music - Performing arts - Visual arts - Films and series - News - Museums and other exhibitions - Cultural heritage - Literature - Library use - Digital games - Exercise and sporting events - Leisure activities - Volunteer work

It is participation in the aforementioned cultural and leisure activities and not the self-exercising culture that is illuminated in the study, apart from the areas physical exercise and volunteer work. Based on the above-mentioned cultural areas, the cultural habits study generally covers the following questions:

  • How often you participate in cultural and leisure activities (frequency / time consumption)
  • Where the participation occurs (e.g. at home or abroad)
  • What is consumed (types of arts etc.)
  • How participation occurs (use of media and institutions, free consumption vs. paid services, etc.)
  • Who participates (different population groups)

However, not all of the above issues will be relevant to all cultural activities. Frequency is estimated using two scales. For certain cultural activities, e.g. films and series, frequency is asked regarding the last week. For other cultural activities, e.g. cinema visits, theater or visual arts, questions are asked about the frequency of consumption over the past three months. The intensity of citizens' participation in cultural activities etc. is estimated using questions of frequency of participation and / or the volume of the activity in question, e.g. number of visits to libraries or museums.

Consumption of selected cultural activities is further divided into types. The list of classifications has been prepared in close collaboration with the study's follow-up group, which, in addition to the employees of the Ministry of Culture and Statistics Denmark, also includes professionals and researchers. Cultural activities are defined technology neutral. This means that the respondents are asked about their consumption of e.g. literature, whether they read physical books, e-books or hear audiobooks. Consumption of performing arts includes both the experience of live performances and the viewing of recorded performing arts, for example on TV or on the Internet, for example YouTube. All cultural activities are covered, regardless of whether the participation has taken place in Denmark or abroad.

The statistics are prepared using quarterly sample surveys in the period 3rd quarter 2018-2nd quarter 2020, where the population is questioned about their cultural consumption in the last quarter. The study covers both adults' (16+ years old) cultural and leisure activities. The questionnaire has a fixed part and a flexible module that is replaced quarterly. The survey runs from 1 July 2018. During 2022 the questionnaire only covers fixed questions and does not include flexible modules.


In the statbank table Medlem2, Memberships of the Danish Camping Union include individual members up to and including 2016. From 2017, the number of family memberships is referenced, why a minor jump in the data occurs. “Memberships of youth and outdoor organisations, total” is a sum of The Danish Scout Association, FDF - a Christian organisation for children and youth in Denmark, The Green Girl Guides of Denmark, YMCA Scouts in Denmark, Danish baptists scout association and DUI-LEG og VIRKE - a childrens association.

The release time for the statbank table is yearly in June, with the year before as a reference.

The number of memberships in the table Medlem2 are annually reported from the following organizations The Danish Scout Association FDF - a Christian organisation for children and youth in Denmark The Green Girl Guides of Denmark YMCA Scouts in Denmark Danish baptists scout association DUI-LEG og VIRKE - a childrens association DCU (Danish camping association) Danish Cyclists Federation The Danish Society for Nature Conservation Danish association of hunters The Danish horticultural society The Danish Ramblers Association DOF - The Danish Ornithological Society

The table only covers Memberships for youth and outdoor activities organisations in Denmark.

The table is a new version of the closed table Medlem1. Medlem2 was created, due to organizational changes and adjustments for the reporting youth and outdoor organizations. The membership and association of the sports organizations have also been given its own section in the statbank, which is why these should be deleted from Medlem1.

The table Medlem2 includes Membership for youth and outdoor activities organisations in Denmark. Missing Reports have not yet occurred. If new organizations are established or already defined organizations in the survey are adjusted, this gives rise to the establishment of a new statbank table.

Classification system

The dissemination of the cultural statistics is organized by cultural domains The cultural domains are defined according to UNESCO structure but have been adapted to Danish conditions.

In addition the following groupings are used:

Age intervals for adults:

  • 16-24 years
  • 25-34 years
  • 35-44 years
  • 45-54 years
  • 55-64 years
  • 65-74 years
  • 75+ years

Weekly frequency:

  • Several times a day
  • Daily or almost daily
  • 3-4 days a week
  • 1-2 days a week
  • No activity during the last week

Frequency within the last three months:

  • Several times a day
  • Daily or almost daily
  • 3-4 days a week
  • 1-2 days a week
  • 1-3 days a month
  • Less
  • No activity within the past three months

Number of visits etc. are divided into the following categories:

  • No activity (equivalent to zero visits)
  • Once
  • Twice
  • Three or four times
  • Five-nine times
  • Ten or more times

Type of music:

  • Classical music
  • Rhythmic music

Types of Performing Arts:

  • Theater or acting
  • Musical or theater concert
  • Opera or operetta
  • Ballet or dance
  • Stand-up
  • Revy or cabaret
  • Children's theater, puppet theater or animation theater
  • New circus, performance or street theater
  • School comedy or amateur theater
  • Other type of performing arts

Art Genre:

  • Painting
  • Sculpture
  • Crafts
  • Design
  • Photograph
  • Installation Art
  • Video Art
  • Performance
  • Other type

Museums, exhibitions and cultural heritage:

  • Cultural History Museums, e.g. the National Museum of Denmark, The Open Air Museum (Frilandsmuseet), The Funen Village (Den Fynske Landsby), Moesgaard Museum, The Old Town in Aarhus or Lejre Experimental Center (Lejre Forsøgscenter)
  • Art Museum, e.g. Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, Arken, AROS or Nation Gallery of Denmark
  • Natural History Museum, e.g. the Zoological Museum
  • A castle, a manor house or an ancient monument
  • Other types of museums

Areas of volunteer work:

  • sport
  • Leisure and hobby
  • Social areas, e.g. homework help for vulnerable children or social efforts in ghetto areas
  • School and day care institutions
  • The cultural area
  • Residential areas and communities
  • Health care
  • Labor union
  • Idea-based association, e.g. party political, environmental or religious
  • Other areas

Types of Leisure Activities: - Presentations or debate events - Evening school education - Cultural association, e.g. music or theater - Private tuition, e.g. music, dancing or singing - Other leisure education, e.g. after school classes - Scout - Other leisure activities

Sector coverage

Culture, sports and volunteering.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Cultural activity: Cultural and leisure activities are based on the UN's list of cultural areas and thus reflect the Ministry of Culture's work on cultural and leisure activities. Cultural activity is divided into the following cultural areas and cultural institutions in the study: films and series, news, music, literature, performing arts, visual arts, digital games, physical exercise, leisure activities, volunteer work, library and museums, exhibitions and cultural heritage. Cultural institutions are institutions that provide cultural services to the citizens. Examples of cultural institutions are libraries, cinemas, museums, theaters and venues, etc.

Cultural consumption: Culture consumption is participation in cultural and leisure activities. Participation can take the form of various activities, including visits (e.g. visits to museums or the library), experiences (e.g. performing arts or sporting events), listening (music, literature or news), watching (movies, series, news, performing arts, etc.), purposeful observation (visual art), performance (e.g. physical exercise or volunteer work) and reading (literature, news).

Statistical unit


Statistical population

The Danish population from the age of 16 years and older.

Reference area

Citizens residing in Denmark. However, the actual cultural consumption can occur both in Denmark and abroad, for example in connection with holiday or business trips.

Time coverage

The cultural consumption study has been prepared several years apart since 1964. The study was conducted in 1964, 1975, 1987, 1993, 1998, 2004, 2012 and most recently in 2018. The statistical documentation primarily concerns the 2018 -2022 study.

Base period

Not relevant to these statistics.

Unit of measure


Reference period

Quarterly. Annual data is calculated from quarterly results.

Frequency of dissemination

Quarterly and yearly.

Legal acts and other agreements

Participation in the study is voluntary and therefore does not require collection permission.

Cost and burden

The reporting burden is not calculated for these statistics as participation in the survey is voluntary.


For more information, see the subject page for Cultural habits.