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National Accounts, Climate and Environment, Economic Statistics
Ole Gravgård Pedersen
+45 30 89 28 39

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Detailed material flow accounts (physical supply-use tables)

The accounts are available for 2018 and in an earlier version for 2016. The two versions are not fully comparable due to changes in source data and methods.

This type of accounts is - as far as we know - only available for the Denmark and the Netherlands, but with different classifications. Thus, it is not possible to make direct international comparisons.

For certain items it is possible to compare over time and with other countries by looking at the primary data that lie behind the accounts.

Comparability - geographical

This type of accounts is - as far as we know - only available for Denmark and the Netherlands, but with other classifications. Thus, it is not possible to make direct international comparisons.

For certain items it is possible to compare with other countries, by looking at the primary data, that are behind the accounts.

Comparability over time

The accounts are available for 2018 and in an earlier version for 2016. The two versions are not fully comparable due to changes in source data and methods.

However, for certain items it is possible to compare over time by looking at the primary data that are behind the accounts.

Coherence - cross domain

Data for extraction of natural resources, waste, supply and use of energy, and emissions to air are comparable with other data from the Environmental-Economic Accounts.

Import and exports data are comparable with data from International trade in goods.

Output of goods is comparable with data in Purchases and sales by manu­facturing industries

It is in general possible to compare data for output of goods and intermediate consumption with similar data from the national accounts. However, due to enumerations and consolidation of data in the material flow accounts it may not in all cases be possible to compare data across different statistics and accounts.

Coherence - internal

Data are internally coherent.