Contact info
National Accounts, Climate and Environment, Economic StatisticsOle Gravgård Pedersen
+45 30 89 28 39
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Detailed material flow accounts (physical supply-use tables)
The accounts are of relevance to all, who are interested in information about those physical material flows that take place in relation to the Danish economy. It can be used as a basis for analysis of the circular economy, e.g. for analysis of which industries that use or produce certain types of materials.
User Needs
The detailed material flow accounts may be used by everyone interested in information about the physical material flows, which take place in the Danish economy.
It can be expected that the primary users will be professionals, that wish to analyse, for instance, aspects of the circular economy. It could be, for instance, analysis of which industries that use or produce certain material types.
User Satisfaction
Feedback can be given directly to the contact person.
Data completeness rate
The accounts cover the full area they are supposed to cover.
The accounts are in accordance with the guidelines, that can be derived from the international standard for environmental-economic accounts: System of Environmental-Economic Accounting - Central Framework SEEA CF