Employee Trade Unions
Contact info
Labour MarketMikkel Zimmermann
+45 51 44 98 37
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The purpose of the statistics is to compile aggregated annual statistics showing the number of members of employee organisations with attachment to the labour market. Since 1994 the statistics in its present form have been compiled and included in a table published in the Statistical Yearbook and the Statistical Ten-Year Review. From 2008, the statistics is published in Statbank and from 2009 the statistics are also published in the series 'Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik' (News from Statistics Denmark). In connection with publication of the statistics in May 2015, the statistics were subjected to revision and adjustment and the date of reference was changed from 1 January of a year to 31 December of the previous year. The statistics are revised and adjusted backwards to 31 December 2007. 1 January 2019 LO and FTF were merged into FH, and a deviation in the figures according to previous year can be due to the harmonizing between FTF and LO.
Statistical presentation
The statistics provide an overview of the number of members of employee organisations with attachment to the labour market i.e. excl. trainees, retirees, early retirees and self-employed. The statistics is published on a yearly basis.
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Statistical processing
These statistics are based on annual reports from employees' organisations on the number of members attached to the labour market per December 31. Corrections are taken back in time, if possible.
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Users of the statistics are typically employee and employer organisations, researchers and the media. No dissatisfaction has been expressed with the statistics.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics are based on reports from Central Employee Organisations and other employee organisations. Not all employee unions are able to calculate the figures exclusive members not attached to the labor market, i.e.. students, early retirees and pensioners, and self-employed may also be included . The data are therefore believed to be a little overestimated. The statistics are believed to have a reasonable quality. The data are normally not revised, but if errors are detected they are corrected back in time as far as possible.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published 4-5 months after the reference date.
The statistics are usually published on the scheduled date without delay.
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There may be minor breaks over time in connection with employee organisations changing their calculation method, for example, correcting errors. Typically, organisations will not be able to fix it back in time. Also, membership of the Central Organisations varies over time as the employee organisations can sign in and out of the Central Organisations. In addition, new employee organisations appear and other organisations disappear over time.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics is published in Nyt fra Danmarks Statistik (News from Statistics Denmark), http://www.Statbank.dk, Statistical Ten-Year-Review.