Statistical processing
Contact info
Labour MarketMikkel Zimmermann
+45 51 44 98 37
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These statistics are based on annual reports from employees' organisations on the number of members attached to the labour market per December 31. Corrections are taken back in time, if possible.
Source data
The statistics are based on annual reports of employee organisations. The Central Organizations transmit the data for their member organisations.
Frequency of data collection
Reporting to the statistics is on an annual basis.
Data collection
Approximately one month after the reference date (31 December) an email is sent to reporting units with response time approx. two months after the reference date. The responding units are requested to report the number of employee members who are attached to the labour market, i.e. exclusive members who are students, self-employed, fulltime-early retirees or pensioners. The membership must be divided by gender. The responding units are the Central Organisations (FH, AC and Managers and Executives) and employees' organisations outside the Central Organizations.
Data validation
The reports are validated by comparing the figures with the previous reference period. If the level has changed considerably contact is made to the respondent. During the validation process errors have been corrected with respect to not including members who are not attached to the labour market, i.e. trainees, retirees and early retirees. There have also been examples of erroneous reporting self-employed. These corrections can effect the figures concerning the previous years.
Data compilation
Immediately after the reporting deadline a reminder is sent to non-respondents. If the transmission does not occur before the statistics is published data can be imputed on basis of data from the previous year. In reason years it has not been necessary to make imputations.
No corrections of data are made beyond what has already been described regarding data validation and data processing.