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National Accounts, Economic Statistics
Thomas Eisler
+45 39 17 30 68

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Energy Accounts for Denmark

The energy accounts are used by ministries, governmental agencies and organizations as a part of the surveillance of measures in the field of energy policy. Within Statistics Denmark, the energy accounts are used as basis for the supply use tables of the national accounts and as basis for the compilation of the air emissions accounts. The energy accounts are furthermore used as basis for input-output model based analyses.

User Needs

The energy accounts are used by ministries, governmental agencies and organizations as a part of the surveillance of measures in the field of energy policy. Within Statistics Denmark, the energy accounts are used as basis for a part of the supply use tables of the national accounts and as basis for the compilation of the air emissions accounts (e.g. CO2), which are published as a part of Statistics Denmark's environmental accounts. Finally, the energy accounts are used as basis for input-output model based analyses. The energy accounts is part of the data used for the environmental and climate economic model GreenREFORM which has been developed by DREAM.

User Satisfaction

The energy accounts is reviewed by expert users in expert committee for Environmental-Economic Accounts and Statistics and is reviewed by central stakeholders in the advisory board for statistics and data on green transition.

Data completeness rate

Data is complete.