Statistical presentation
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National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentThomas Eisler
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The energy accounts account for 46 different energy commodities. The energy accounts are made up in specific physical quantities (tonnes, m3, GWh), energy units (joule) and gross energy consumption. The energy account is published in newsletters (Nyt) and in the statistical database.
Data description
The energy accounts are for each energy commodity made up in physical quantities . The system is based on the identity that the supply must equal the use. The supply is made up as the total of Danish production etc. and imports. The use is the total exports, waste and cable losses, changes in inventories, input in 117 industries as well as private consumption broken down by five groups of private consumption.
Furthermore, the energy accounts form the basis for the calculation of a set of indicators on energy consumption and production by different municipality groups (LABY33).
Classification system
The Energy Accounts use the same industry classification as the national accounts with 117 industries. The national accounts industry classification is based on the Danish industry classification from 2007 (DB07). DB07 is a Danish version of the EU classification NACE rev. 2 and the UN classification ISIC. The national accounts industrial classifications is consistent with the 127 grouping of DB07 with few exemptions.
The following 46 energy products are included in the Energy Accounts. Energy products are grouped according to 8 energy types.
Oil Products
- Crude oil (tonnes)
- Refinery feedstocks (tonnes)
- Refinery gas (tonnes)
- LPG (tonnes)
- LPG for transport (tonnes)
- LVN (tonnes)
- Motor gasoline, colored (tonnes) (discontinued from 2016)
- Motor gasoline, unleaded (tonnes) (includes colored gasoline from 2016)
- Motor gasoline, leaded (tonnes)
- JP4 (tonnes)
- Kerosene (tonnes)
- Aviation gasoline (tonnes) (discontinued from 2016)
- Jet petroleum (tonnes) (includes aviation gasoline from 2016)
- Jet petroleum bunkered by Danish operated planes abroad (tonnes)
- Gasoil (tonnes)
- Diesel bunkered by Danish operated vehicles abroad (tonnes)
- Diesel oil (tonnes)
- Fuel oil (tonnes)
- Fuel oil bunkered by Danish operated ships abroad (tonnes)
- Waste oil (tonnes)
- Petroleum coke (tonnes)
- Orimulsion (tonnes)
Natural Gas
- Natural gas 1, North Sea and imports (1000 Nm3)
- Natural gas 2, large-scale consumers and exports (1000 Nm3) (discontinued from 2016)
- Natural gas 3 to industries and households (1000 Nm3) (includes large-scale consumers and exports from 2016)
Coal and Coke
- Coal (tonnes)
- Coke (tonnes)
- Brown coal briquettes (tonnes)
- Waste, non-renewable (tonnes)
Renewable energy
- Waste, renewable (tonnes)
- Wind power (GWh)
- Hydro power (GWh)
- Solar power (GWh)
- Solar heat (TJ)
- Geothermal (TJ)
- Straw (tonnes)
- Firewood (1000 m3)
- Wood chips (tonnes)
- Wood pellets (tonnes)
- Wood waste (tonnes)
- Biogas (1000 Nm3)
- Bio diesel, bio ethanol and bio oil (tonnes)
- Heat pumps (TJ)
Converted types of energy
- Electricity (GWh)
- District heat (TJ)
- Gas works gas (1000 Nm3)
In the energy accounts production of electricity and district heat are only placed within industrial classification 350010, 350030 and 383900. The relatively small amount of electricity and district heat produced by enterprises in other industries, are functionally placed in the mentioned industries.
Import and export of bio mass (wood chips and wood pellets) should be seen together as there can be classification issues.
Finally, a number of key figures for energy consumption and production (LABY33) are allocated to different types of municipalities.
Sector coverage
All sectors in the economy are covered by the statistics.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Basic Price: Basic prices are for domestic production defined as the price ex factory, excl. of product taxes, net. For imports, they are the c.i.f. prices, i.e. the prices of the products at their arrival in Denmark, incl. transport and insurance expenses.
Net Energy Consumption: The production of electricity, district heat and town gas is based on inputs of other types of energy and are named converted types of energy. A direct aggregation of each energy commodity calculated into joule would therefore result in a double counting, because the content of energy in the converted types of energy already is represented in the power plants use of first and foremost coal, oil and natural gas.
In practice, the calculation of the net energy consumption is carried out by dividing the use of primary energy (e.g. coal, crude oil and natural gas) used in the production process at the electricity plants and district heat plants proportionately on the users of the individual converted energy commodities. Simultaneously, the use of primary energy in the conversion industries is reset to zero.
The conversion process involves a considerably loss of energy (the conversion loss). Therefore, the total energy content used in the production process is allocated to the final users of energy in the calculation of the net energy consumption
Furthermore, the electricity power plants consumption of energy is adjusted for the net imports of electricity, implying that this is also converted into primary energy.
Energy Taxes: The energy taxes include taxes on petrol, electricity, certain oil products, coal and natural gas. In addition to this, the CO2-tax, the SO2-tax and the NOx-tax is also accounted for. The SO2-tax is also paid for the use of straw and waste used as fuel at larger power plants.
Purchasers' Prices: The purchasers' prices are the price actually paid by the purchaser for a product, i.e. the market price. Consequently, this price may, in addition to the factory price of the product, include costs for transportation, trade margins, commodity tax and VAT.
Statistical unit
The statistical unit is the local kind-of-activity unit, enterprise.
Statistical population
All the units engaged in Danish economic activity.
Reference area
Time coverage
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Energy accounts in quantities are measured in tons, m3, GWh. In common units the measurement is done in gigajoule (GJ).
Reference period
The reference period of the figures in the energy accounts is the calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Necessary according to Council Regulation 538/2014.
Cost and burden
There is no direct response burden as the data are collected by others (see sources).