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Research, Technology and Culture, Business StatisticsMr. Ole Olsen
+45 29 77 14 98
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The comparability is expected to be good from 2014 and onwards.
Comparability - geographical
The results are comparable to similar results from other countries. The environmental costs for manufacturing industries is a part of the EPEA-statistics. Results of energy savings is not part of the reporting to Eurostat according to the regulation.
Comparability over time
Results are available for 2014 and onwards. Results for latest year are provisional.
Coherence - cross domain
There are no other statistics covering same theme. However, the environmental expenditures can be compared to certain variables in the Business Accounts Statistics. Further, statistics on Environmental expenditures in total are processed. Results from the manufacturing industries are part of this.
Coherence - internal
The data are basically from one source making the consistency high.