Statistical presentation
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The statistics describes annually the expenditures on direct environmental protection by types of industry within mining, manufacturing and utilities. Expenditure are reported at environmental purposes either as internal operating expenses or purchase of services related to environmental protection. On the investment side investments are split in either prevention or treatment.
Data description
The statistics describe Danish manufacturing enterprises direct expenditures on environmental protection. A distinction is made between operating expenses and investments.
Expenditure on environmental protection are reported either as internal operating expenses or purchase of services and goods related to environmental protection. On the investment side investments are split in either prevention or end-of-pipe treatment. The preventing investments is shown as the "environmental component" of the investments. Extra costs to intermediate consumption due to environmental regulation are not covered.
To be reported are environmental expenditures on environmental domains: Protection of ambient air and climate, Wastewater management, Waste management, Heat/energy saving and management and Other environmental protection activities.
The results are included en the Environmental Protection Expenditure Account, which are a module in the Environmental Accounts
Guidance for the compilation is in a manual EPEA_manual.
Classification system
The economic activities in the statistics follows the Danish industrial classification DB07 which correspondents to NACE rev. 2. and includes 2-digit industries 06-36,
Environmental purposes follows the European standards for CEPA (Classification of Environmental Protection Activities) and CreMa (Classification of resource Management activities)
The purposes are as follows: Protection of ambient air and climate, Wastewater management, Waste management, Heat/energy saving and management and Other environmental protection activities.
The expenditures are divided into internal costs, purchase of services (and goods), sustainable investments and end of pipe investments
Sector coverage
Mining and quarrying, Manufacturing and some part of the supply sector. NACE_rev2 06-36.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Purchase of Environmental Protection Services: Purchases of environmental protection services include all costs of external actors, compensation for the services that aim to prevent or control the discharge of pollutants or restore previous activities on the environment. This could be payments for collection and treatment of waste and wastewater, payments in connection with soil decontamination, inspection charges for public authorities, payments to environmental consultants for purposes such as environmental education, and payment for external consultants environmental certification or operation of environmental equipment.
Internal Expenditures on Environmental Protection: Internal expenditure on environmental protection can be salary costs (e.g. environmental coordinators), general environmental planning, internal costs associated with ISO 14001 certification costs in connection with its own staff and payments for operating leases. They relate, for example, operation and maintenance of environmental equipment, measurement and monitoring of pollution levels, environmental education and education as well as research and development.
Investment in Prevention of Environmental Impact: Investment in prevention of environmental impact include investments in "cleaner technology ", e.g. equipment intended either to make existing production more environmentally friendly or to prioritize environmental considerations when purchasing new production. Pollution prevention investment is defined as capital expenditure on new, or modification of existing, methods, technologies, processes, equipment (or parts thereof) designed to prevent or reduce the amount of pollution created at the source, thereby reducing the environmental impacts associated with the release of pollutants and/or with polluting activities.
Investment in Pollution Control: Investments in pollution control include the so-called end-of-pipe solutions. Pollution treatment investment is defined as capital expenditure on methods, technologies, processes or equipment designed for collecting and removing pollution and pollutants (e.g. air emissions, effluents or solid waste) after their creation, preventing the spread and measuring the level of the pollution, and treating and disposing of pollutants generated by the operating activity of the business.
Statistical unit
The units in the statistics are enterprises, each enterprise being a legal unit.
Statistical population
The statistics covers all enterprises within mining, manufacturing and supply, NACE rev2 group 05-36
Reference area
The relevant sectors in Denmark (Mining, manufacturing, utilities)
Time coverage
The present statistics covers 2023. The statistics have been in force since 2009, but only published since 2014.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistics.
Unit of measure
The unit of measurement is the Environmental Protection Expenditures in Danish kroner (DKK), current prices.
Reference period
The reference time for the statistics is the calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
The statistics is published at yearly basis. However, data collection has since 2017 only been every second year.
Legal acts and other agreements
The results has to be reported according to Regulation 691/2011 on environmental accounts.
Cost and burden
Total costs associated with reporting was at DKK 122,000 , based on standard estimation. There are no reporting costs in the years between data collecting.