Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services
Contact info
Short Term Statistics, Business StatisticsMorten Skovrider Kollerup
+45 24 52 61 68
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Manufacturers Purchases of Goods and Services 2023
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2022
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2021
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2020
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2019
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2018
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2017
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2016
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2015
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2014
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2013
Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services 2012
The purpose of the statistics is to give detailed information about the input structure of industrial production. The input measured is raw and auxiliary materials used in the processing and production of commodities, packing materials, and purchases of services. The data are divided by detailed industrial groups (NACE-groups).
The main use of the survey is in the National Accounts.
Statistical presentation
The survey describes the use of raw materials, semi-manufactured products, intermediary products, purchase of services, and packing costs in the production of industrial commodities.
The statistics are distributed to groups of industries.
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Statistical processing
The reported data are validated and aggregated. In addition, imputations are made for non-response. But there is no grossing up, and the published figures cover only the covered enterprises (at least 50 employees or yearly turnover of 100 mio. DKK).
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The most important user of the statistics is the National Accounts, but they are also used in research and for analytical purposes.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics have a quality concerning the description of purchases by the covered enterprises, i.e. enterprises with at least 50 employees or a yearly turn over of at least 100 million DKK. It can be considered a lack in quality that purchases by smaller enterprises are not included, as these purchases are presumably different from purchases of the largest enterprises.
The statistics do not cover the entire Manufacturing industry, but only enterprises with over 50 employees or an annual turnover of DKK 100 million. DKK and thus cannot say anything about the smaller enterprises' purchases, as their purchases must be assumed to be different. The detailed distribution of the individual commodity codes is subject to some uncertainty, as these are often based on an estimate. The total purchase for the covered enterprises is less uncertain, as only less than 2 per cent of responses are missing and last year's purchases figures are used for these enterprises.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published mid-March, i.e. 10.5 months after the end of the reference period. Punctuality is very high.
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The statistics are comparable since 2002, as no significant changes have been made since then.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics are published in StatBank Denmark.