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Statistical presentation

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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
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Manufacturers’ Purchases of Goods and Services

The survey describes the use of raw materials, semi-manufactured products, intermediary products, purchase of services, and packing costs in the production of industrial commodities.

The statistics are distributed to groups of industries.

Data description

The survey describes the purchase of raw materials, semi-manufactured products, intermediary products, packaging and services in the production of industrial commodities. Hence the statistic provides a more detailed breakdown of the item "cost of goods consumed, cost of subcontractors etc. found in the account statistics. Purchases of machines (capital goods) and energy (electricity, gas, etc.) are not included.

The statistics are distributed to groups of industries.

Classification system

Industrial activity is classified according to Dansk Branchekode 2007, which is the Danish national classification based on NACE rev. 2.

Commodity codes are based on the EU Combined Nomenclature, but in a simplified form. The first 4 digit are the same as in Manufacturers' sales of goods and External Trade in Goods.

Sector coverage

Mining and quarrying, and manufacturing.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Services: Services includes services purchased from other enterprises, such as legal assistance, accounting, consultancy, cleaning, security, insurance, transportation etc. Purchase of complete processing (outsourced production) is however not included. Hiring of temporary workers employed by an agency is also excluded.

Goods: Goods are raw materials, components, semi-finished products and materials used during production.

Statistical unit

The observation unit for the statistics is the enterprise. In practice, this is normally also the legal unit defined by the CVR number.

Statistical population

The population for the statistics are all enterprises in manufacturing and mining and quarrying with at least 50 employees or a yearly turn over of at least 100 million DKK.

Reference area

The statistics cover enterprises in Denmark. Their purchases of goods and services are included, regardless of whether they are domestic or imports.

Time coverage


Base period

Not relevant for this statistics.

Unit of measure

Values of purchases are collected and published as '1000 DKK' in StatBank Denmark.

Reference period

The statistics are reported by enterprises based on their annual accounts and therefore follow the accounting year. For accounting years different from the calendar year, accounting years ending no later than April 30 in the following year are included in the reference year.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Subsection 1 of section 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark.

Necessary owing to estimations in the National Account which are made according to Council Regulation 2223/96.

Cost and burden

The response burden has been estimated to 2.070.000 DKK (2021).


The statistics have a subject page.