Stock account for fish and shellfish
Contact info
National Accounts, Economic StatisticsLeif Hoffmann
+45 23 69 58 63
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The stock account for fish and shellfish shows the development in the natural aquatic resources and in aquaculture. The accounts document the development in stocks, growth in stocks, catch/harvest of fish and shellfish for consumption and export of living fish as well as reduction in stocks.
Statistical presentation
The stock account for fish and shellfish consist of a physical account for natural aquatic resources, as well as a physical and monetary account for aquaculture. These statistics act as a module in the Environmental-Economic Accounts for Denmark.
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Statistical processing
Statistics Denmark prepares resource accounts for fish and shellfish based on data and quotas and catches compiled by The Danish Fisheries Agency, information on fish stocks developed by International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), information on aquaculture compiled by The Danish Fisheries Agency.
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Stock accounts for fish and shellfish are relevant for national authorities, scientific researchers, organizations, enterprises, the educational sector and anyone with an interest for aquatic resources. . The UN and similar organizations focus on environmental-economic accounts within the statistical framework called System of Environmental-Economical Accounting (SEEA).
Accuracy and reliability
The resource account for natural aquatic resources cover approximately 90 pct. of the Danish stock calculated based on the catch in 2021. The missing coverage can be explained by insufficient information on less important species. The resource account for aquaculture is assessed to cover 100 pct. of the Danish stock ad the fish farms are obliged to report to the authorities annually.
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Timeliness and punctuality
These statistics are published 12 months after the end of the reference year.
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The methods and data sources for these statistics are unchanged throughout the period covered by published figures from 2010 and onwards. International comparison is possible with all other national resource accounts based on UN's statistical standard SEEA 2012.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are published in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject Natural resource accounts. For further information, go to the subject page on Environmental-Economic Accounting.