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National Accounts, Climate and Environment
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Stock account for fish and shellfish

The stock account for fish and shellfish consist of a physical account for natural aquatic resources, as well as a physical and monetary account for aquaculture. These statistics act as a module in the Environmental-Economic Accounts for Denmark.

Data description

The resource account is a module in the environmental economic accounts for Denmark. The resource account for fish and shellfish consist of a physical account for natural aquatic resources as well as a physical and monetary account for aquaculture. For natural aquatic resources the following parameters have been estimated: Opening stock, closing stock, catch and normal loss. The natural growth is calculated. For aquaculture the following parameters have been estimated: Opening stock, closing stock, harvest, reclassification, and normal loss. The natural growth is calculated. the average price for harvest for consumption is used in the monetary asset account.

Classification system

Not relevant for these statistics.

Sector coverage

The resource account for fish and shellfish do only consider the fishing sector.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Environmental-Economic Accounts: A general term for a system of sub-accounts for economy and environment, which are presented in association with the traditional national accounts. It complements the traditional national accounts and provides a broader and more comprehensive picture of both the economic and environmental development.

Statistical unit

The resource account for fish and shellfish covers Danish quotas and Danish fishing vessels. The account for aquaculture covers Danish freshwater and sea farms.

Statistical population

The stock of wild fish and shellfish and the stock of fish and shellfish in farms and aquaculture in Denmark.

Reference area

The resource account for fish and shellfish covers fishing areas where Danish fishing vessels have fishing rights/quotas. The account for aquaculture cover Denmark.

Time coverage

These statistics cover the time period from 2010 and onwards.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

The resource account for fish and shellfish is measured in ton. The account for aquaculture is measured in ton and 1,000 kr.

Reference period

01-01-2024 - 31-12-2024

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Data are collected by other public authorities and no separate regulation is required for Statistics Denmark. Law on Statistics Denmark (§6) regulates the access of Statistics Denmark to data from administrative sources.

Cost and burden

Based on administrative data. There is no burden on respondents from Statistics Denmark.


Further information can be found on the subject page for Environmental-Economic Accounts or by contacting Statistics Denmark directly.